Collection of documented demosΒΆ

To run the C++ demos, follow the below procedure:

  • Download the source files i.e., main.cpp and CMakeLists.txt, from the demo that you want to run. Some demos also contain UFL form files, e.g., Poisson.ufl. Note that there may be multiple form files.

  • Compile the form files to generate code with DOLFIN wrappers:

    $ ffc -l dolfin Poisson.ufl

    Generated .h files are usually distributed with the demos so you may choose to skip this step and use the provided header file directly, in this case Poisson.h.

    If you wish to use optimized generated code, do:

    $ ffc -O -l dolfin Poisson.ufl
  • Configure the demo build process:

    $ cmake .
  • Compile the demo:

    $ make
  • Run the created executable:

    $ ./demo


You must have a working installation of FEniCS in order to run the demos.