

The documentation on this page was automatically extracted from the DOLFIN C++ code and may need to be edited or expanded.

class HDF5File

Parent class(es)

HDF5File(MPI_Comm comm, const std::string filename, const std::string file_mode)

Constructor. file_mode should “a” (append), “w” (write) or “r” (read).

void close()

Close file

void write(const std::vector<Point> &points, const std::string name)

Write points to file

void write(const std::vector<double> &values, const std::string name)

Write simple vector of double to file

void write(const GenericVector &x, const std::string name)

Write Vector to file in a format suitable for re-reading

void read(GenericVector &x, const std::string dataset_name, const bool use_partition_from_file) const

Read vector from file and optionally re-use any partitioning that is available in the file

void write(const Mesh &mesh, const std::string name)

Write Mesh to file in a format suitable for re-reading

void write(const Mesh &mesh, const std::size_t cell_dim, const std::string name)

Write Mesh of given cell dimension to file in a format suitable for re-reading

void write(const Function &u, const std::string name)

Write Function to file in a format suitable for re-reading

void write(const Function &u, const std::string name, double timestamp)

Write Function to file with a timestamp

void read(Function &u, const std::string name)

Read Function from file and distribute data according to the Mesh and dofmap associated with the Function

void read(Mesh &mesh, const std::string name, bool use_partition_from_file) const

Read Mesh from file and optionally re-use any partition data in the file

void write(const MeshFunction<std::size_t> &meshfunction, const std::string name)

Write MeshFunction to file in a format suitable for re-reading

void write(const MeshFunction<int> &meshfunction, const std::string name)

Write MeshFunction to file in a format suitable for re-reading

void write(const MeshFunction<double> &meshfunction, const std::string name)

Write MeshFunction to file in a format suitable for re-reading

void write(const MeshFunction<bool> &meshfunction, const std::string name)

Write MeshFunction to file in a format suitable for re-reading

void read(MeshFunction<std::size_t> &meshfunction, const std::string name) const

Read MeshFunction from file

void read(MeshFunction<int> &meshfunction, const std::string name) const

Read MeshFunction from file

void read(MeshFunction<double> &meshfunction, const std::string name) const

Read MeshFunction from file

void read(MeshFunction<bool> &meshfunction, const std::string name) const

Read MeshFunction from file

void write(const MeshValueCollection<std::size_t> &mesh_values, const std::string name)

Write MeshValueCollection to file

void write(const MeshValueCollection<double> &mesh_values, const std::string name)

Write MeshValueCollection to file

void write(const MeshValueCollection<bool> &mesh_values, const std::string name)

Write MeshValueCollection to file

void read(MeshValueCollection<std::size_t> &mesh_values, const std::string name) const

Read MeshValueCollection from file

void read(MeshValueCollection<double> &mesh_values, const std::string name) const

Read MeshValueCollection from file

void read(MeshValueCollection<bool> &mesh_values, const std::string name) const

Read MeshValueCollection from file

bool has_dataset(const std::string dataset_name) const

Check if dataset exists in HDF5 file

void flush()

Flush buffered I/O to disk