

The documentation on this page was automatically extracted from the DOLFIN C++ code and may need to be edited or expanded.

void assemble(GenericTensor &A, const Form &a)

Assemble tensor

void assemble_system(GenericMatrix &A, GenericVector &b, const Form &a, const Form &L)

Assemble system (A, b)

void assemble_system(GenericMatrix &A, GenericVector &b, const Form &a, const Form &L, const DirichletBC &bc)

Assemble system (A, b) and apply Dirichlet boundary condition

void assemble_system(GenericMatrix &A, GenericVector &b, const Form &a, const Form &L, const std::vector<const DirichletBC *> bcs)

Assemble system (A, b) and apply Dirichlet boundary conditions

void assemble_system(GenericMatrix &A, GenericVector &b, const Form &a, const Form &L, const std::vector<const DirichletBC *> bcs, const GenericVector &x0)

Assemble system (A, b) on sub domains and apply Dirichlet boundary conditions

double assemble(const Form &a)

Assemble scalar