I`m trying to calculate weighted combinations of flux jump over the all edges.
If u is solution from FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 1), where mesh is irregular triangulation of UnitSquareMesh
n = FacetNormal(mesh)
h_edges = FacetArea(mesh)
R_E = (sqrt(h_edges)*jump(grad(u),n))**2*dS
result = assemble(R_E)
Then the error is: Discontinuous type Coefficient must be restricted.
But, for example
h_cells = CellVolume(mesh)
R_T = (h_cells*f)**2*dx
result = assemble(R_T)
works fine.
A value what I want to get is
Sum over all interior edges E:
h_E * || jump(grad(u) * n) ||_E**2
where ||.||_E is L2 norm over edge E and h_E is its length