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Pure Neumann 2D linear elasticity problem - Lagrange multipliers and Krylov Nullspace approach - solution difference

0 votes


I solve pure Neumann 2D linear elasticity problem as described in 2D_lin_elasticity with 2 approaches, to avoid rigid motions (below are codes with mesh):

Solution for displacement differ slightly, and seems that in Nullspace approach there is still present rigid motion. Results can be seen on figures.

Please, can someone of Fenics experts check what can cause the problem. I don't see it. Thanks for any help.



asked Apr 13, 2016 by Gusar FEniCS Novice (270 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Here is complete working example. Thanks to Miro who provided the core code.

from mshr import *
from dolfin import *

# Test for PETSc
if not has_linear_algebra_backend("PETSc"):
    print("DOLFIN has not been configured with PETSc. Exiting.")

### Geometry, Domain, Mesh ###

class FreeBoundary(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return on_boundary

class LeftBoundary(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return on_boundary and abs(x[0] + 1) < DOLFIN_EPS

class RightBoundary(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return on_boundary and abs(x[0] - 1) < DOLFIN_EPS

# Create geo and mesh
res = 100
a = 1 # oter square
b = 0.5 # inner sqare - hole a plate
r1 = Rectangle(Point(-a, -a), Point(a, a))
r2 = Rectangle(Point(-b, -b), Point(b, b))
geo = r1 - r2 # Square plate with square hole
mesh = generate_mesh(geo,res)

### 2D Linear Elasticity Material Model ###

# Elasticity parameters
E, nu = 10.0, 0.3 # Young's module and Poisson ratio
mu_, lambda_ = Constant(E/(2*(1 + nu))), Constant(E*nu/((1 + nu)*(1 - 2*nu)))# Lame coefficients

# Strain
epsilon = lambda u: sym(grad(u))

# Stress
sigma = lambda u: 2*mu_*epsilon(u) + lambda_*tr(epsilon(u))*Identity(2)

# Nullspace of 2D rigid motions 
# two translations + one rotation
nullspace = [Constant((1, 0)), Constant((0, 1)), Expression(('-x[1]', 'x[0]'), degree=1)]

#######       Preliminary check for zero eigenvalues         ###########

# Let's first show that the energy form without constraints is not pos.def
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)     # Space for displacement
u, v = TrialFunction(V), TestFunction(V)

# Energy
a = inner(sigma(u), epsilon(v))*dx
A = PETScMatrix()
assemble(a, A)

# Every z is eigenv with eigenvalue 0
print '1. Eigenvalues:'
for z in nullspace:
    v = interpolate(z, V).vector()
    null = v.copy()
    print null.norm('l2'),
    A.mult(v, null)
    print null.norm('l2')

# Confirm that A has three zero eigenvalue with slepc
eigensolver = SLEPcEigenSolver(A)
eigensolver.parameters['problem_type'] = 'hermitian'
eigensolver.parameters['spectrum'] = 'smallest magnitude'

assert eigensolver.get_number_converged() > 3
print '2. Eigenvalues:'
for i in range(4):
    w = eigensolver.get_eigenvalue(i)
    print w

# Get rid of singularity
M = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'R', 0, 3)   # Space for all multipliers
W = MixedFunctionSpace([V, M])
u, mus = TrialFunctions(W)
v, nus = TestFunctions(W)

# Energy
a = inner(sigma(u), epsilon(v))*dx

# Lagrange multipliers contrib to a
for i, e in enumerate(nullspace):
    mu = mus[i]
    nu = nus[i]
    a += mu*inner(v, e)*dx + nu*inner(u, e)*dx

# See that there are now not zero eigenvalues
A = PETScMatrix()
assemble(a, A)

eigensolver = SLEPcEigenSolver(A)
eigensolver.parameters['problem_type'] = 'hermitian'
eigensolver.parameters['spectrum'] = 'smallest magnitude'

assert eigensolver.get_number_converged() > 1
print '3. Eigenvalues:'
for i in range(1):
    w = eigensolver.get_eigenvalue(i)
    print w

#####                   Solve the problem                          #####

# Energy
a = inner(sigma(u), epsilon(v))*dx

# Lagrange multipliers contrib to a
for i, e in enumerate(nullspace):
    mu = mus[i]
    nu = nus[i]
    a += mu*inner(v, e)*dx + nu*inner(u, e)*dx

#Initialize subdomain instances
free_b = FreeBoundary()
left_b = LeftBoundary()
right_b = RightBoundary()

# Initialize mesh function for boundary domains
boundaries = FacetFunction("size_t", mesh)
free_b.mark(boundaries, 1)
left_b.mark(boundaries, 2)
right_b.mark(boundaries, 3)

# Boundary conditions - Neumann (stress on L&R side) - Traction
gL = Constant((-1.0, 0.0))
gR = Constant((1.0, 0.0))

# Define new measures associated with the exterior boundaries
ds = Measure('ds', domain=mesh, subdomain_data=boundaries)

# Natural BC
L = dot(gL, v)*ds(2) + dot(gR, v)*ds(3)

A, b = assemble_system(a, L)
print "Norm(b)=",b.norm("l2") # Check that b is not zero


# Solve
w_h = Function(W)

# Solve with direct solver
problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, w_h)
solver = LinearVariationalSolver(problem)
solver.parameters["linear_solver"] = "direct"
solver.parameters["symmetric"] = True

# Solution split
u_h, mus_h = w_h.split(deepcopy=True)
u_x, u_y = u_h.split()

# Post processing displacement
plot(u_h, mode = "displacement", interactive=True, scalarbar=True, title="u")
File("u_x.pvd", "compressed") << u_x
File("u_y.pvd", "compressed") << u_y

# Post processing stress
Fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
Ts = TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 0, symmetry=True)

ss = sigma(u_h)
ssT = project(ss, Ts)
sxx = project(ssT[0,0], Fs)
syy = project(ssT[1,1], Fs)
sxy = project(ssT[0,1], Fs)
tau_max = project(sqrt( ( (sxx - syy)/2 )**2 + sxy**2 ), Fs) #Tau_max

# Plot similar to photoelastic experimetnt
plot(tau_max, interactive=True, rescale=False, scalarbar=True, title="Tau_max")
File("sxx.pvd", "compressed") << sxx
File("syy.pvd", "compressed") << syy
File("sxy.pvd", "compressed") << sxy
File("tau_max.pvd", "compressed") << tau_max
answered Apr 18, 2016 by Gusar FEniCS Novice (270 points)
selected Apr 18, 2016 by johannr