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Integral in a weak form

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I am modeling a waveguide in 3D in frequency domain using Nedelec finite elements.
The problem is that I can't assemble the following form:

$$\int_S v \cdot w \cdot \left(\int_S w \cdot u\,dS \right)\,dS$$


class MyExpression(Expression):
    def eval_cell(self, values, x, ufc_cell):
    def value_shape(self):
        return (3,)

V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "N2curl", 1)
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
w= MyExpression()

I've found which seems to describe what I want to achieve, but using UFL's Integral object lead me to:

a0 = ufl.Integral(inner(v,w), ds.integral_type(), ds.domain(), ds.subdomain_id(), ds.metadata(), ds.subdomain_data())
An integral can only be multiplied by a globally constant scalar expression.
*** UFLException: An integral can only be multiplied by a globally constant scalar expression.

I've been reading about UFL to write this kind of form, and in FEniCS book I read:

Each term of a valid form expression must be a scalar-valued expression integrated exactly once, and they must be linear [...]

which lead me to the idea that I have to calculate $a0 = \int_S w \cdot u\,dS$ first,
and then calculate $\int_S v \cdot w \cdot a0\,dS$.

It should work because $u = \sum_{j=1}^{DOF} N_j \cdot U_j$ and $v = \sum_{i=1}^{DOF} N_i$.

My plan was to do:

a0 = Function(V)
# below I use the fact that basis functions are used as testing functions
# and I can't write assemble(inner(u, w) * ds)
a0.vector()[:] = assemble(inner(v, w) * ds)
P = inner(v, w) * a0 * ds

But it won't work, because I want a0 to be constant over all edges/DOFS (this is also the reason I can't use Discontinous Lagrange function space - because I don't know how to define it over edges of the mesh).

My fallback plan was to work it out on the matrix level:

a0 = assemble(inner(v, w) * ds).array()
p = assemble(inner(v, w) * ds).array() # assume a0 = 1
DOF = len(a0)
a0 = a0.reshape((1, DOF))
p = p.reshape((DOF, 1))
P = np.mat(p) * np.mat(a0)

but it works very slow (because I don't use the fact that the matrices are sparse I guess), and it is not elegant at all.

In general it would be great if I could write something like:

a0 = ... #?
a0.vector()[:] = assemble(inner(v, w) * ds)
assemble(inner(v[i], w) * a0[j] * dS)

which will generate a matrix $K_{i,j}$ where v[i] represents $N_i$ basis function and a0[j] represents a coefficient corresponding to $N_j$ basis function.

Can I solve this problem with UFL/FEniCS?

asked Apr 9, 2016 by bach FEniCS Novice (150 points)
edited Apr 10, 2016 by bach

2 Answers

0 votes

As you have already noted, the bilinear operator in question is
of rank one with matrix representation $B = b \otimes b$, where

b = assemble(inner(v, w) * ds)

You can form the matrix representation of $B$ explicitly, but a matrix-free implementation may be better. A Krylov subspace solver only requires that action of the operator is implemented, i.e. $$ B x = (b\cdot x)b.$$

An alternative approach may be to introduce an auxilliary variable
$$ \lambda = \int w\cdot u \,dx$$
and solve the constrained problem normally.

See the answers to the related question 7541 for some implementation details.

answered Apr 9, 2016 by Magne Nordaas FEniCS Expert (13,820 points)
edited Apr 9, 2016 by Magne Nordaas

Both approaches look great. To go the matrix-free way, I have to implement an operator like CompositeOperator from the linked question, but then I can't use MUMPS or any other non-Krylov subspace solver, right?

I personaly rather use the approach with the auxilliary variable, but should it be a Function, an Argument, VectorConstant? It would be the best to find a type that is evaluated for each DOF, rather than coordinates.

The auxiliary variable is handled as an additional unknown, implemented using mixed element method with the additional variable being a scalar:

E = FiniteElement("N1curl", mesh.ufl_cell(), 2)
R = FiniteElement("R", mesh.ufl_cell(), 0)

W = FunctionSpace(mesh, E * R)

u, r = TrialFunctions(W)
v, s = TestFunctions(W)

C = Constant(assemble(1 * ds(domain = mesh))**-1)

a = ... # part of the form that can be handled normally
L = ... 

b = r * inner(w, v) * ds + s * inner(w, u) * ds - C * r * s * ds

solve(a + b == L, ...) 

Magne, it will introduce one additional degree of freedom (i.e. E1, E2, E3, ..., En, R1), right?. But for each edge in my mesh I should have different coefficient (R1, R2, R3, ..., Rn).

You would need one additional degree of freedom for each term
$$ \int_S w\cdot u\, ds \int_S w\cdot v \, ds, $$
i.e. one for each $S$. If you have one such integral over the boundary, then approaches outlined above are viable. If this is not the case you need a different solution.

0 votes

Judging from the weak form, it looks like you are trying to do something very similar as I tried here:

There are a few possible solutions suggested, including the ones from the answer by Magne Nordaas. But as an easy first proof-of-concept I would recommend the very last one. It is basically assembles the term you are after as a product of an Nx1 and a 1xN matrix.

answered Apr 11, 2016 by maartent FEniCS User (3,910 points)