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ODE solver suite

+4 votes


FEniCS used to have an ODE solver, which has since been removed. However, I seem to recall someone remarking that it'll be re-added.

If it has, are there examples/tutorials I can read to understand how to use it?
If it hasn't, are there still plans to re-develop it?


asked Aug 20, 2013 by Theodore FEniCS Novice (780 points)

1 Answer

+4 votes
Best answer

There are some preliminary work on a general Runge Kutta framework. It is developed to solve vectorized ODEs on vertices. Think reaction equations integrated with a point integral at each vertex. The development is done in the branch johanhake/mutistage. It includes some examples in the unit test:


answered Aug 21, 2013 by johanhake FEniCS Expert (22,480 points)
selected Aug 21, 2013 by Theodore

Thanks Johan, I'll check it out.
