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defining a boundary, w.r.t. a field value

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Hello there,
I am quite new to FEniCS, and python too, and I have a question.
Is it possible to define a boundary condition, not only with a geometrical aspect (i.e. x[0] > 0.1), but also with respect to a field value on the boundary (a_field > a_value)?

I gave a naive try, and of course it does not work, saying that there is a type problem when calling the boundary function. And I am afraid I do not know what to do ... Is there something I am missing ?

here is the code :

 from dolfin import *

class boundary(SubDomain):
  def __init__(self,h0):
  def inside(self,x,on_boundary):   
    return (x[0] < 0.1)and(self.h0.vector()>0.1) and on_boundary

#mesh initialisation
km = 1000.
L =160.*km          # length of the domain

N=100               #number of cell in 1 direction
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(N,N)
deltax = L/N            


# setting the topology
Bed= interpolate(Expression("3000+3000*(-exp(-pow(((x[0]-0.6*l)/1.5*0.00003),6))*exp(-pow(((x[1]-0.5*l)/1.5*0.00003),4)) -exp(-pow(x[1]-0.5*l,2)/1.5*0.00000005)*(0.35*exp(-pow(x[0]/1.5*pow(10,-4.8),4))+0.0*exp(-pow(x[0]-0.35*l,2)/1.5*0.00000001)+0.1*exp(-pow(x[0]-0.25*l,2)/1.5*0.00000001))) ",l=L),V)
h0= project(100.,V)
h0.vector()[:]= h0.vector().array() * (Bed.vector().array() <2000.)
Dh0= interpolate(Expression("500*exp(-pow(x[1]-0.5*l,2)/1.5*0.00000005)*(exp(-pow((x[0]+0.1*l)/1.5*pow(10,-4.3),4)))",l=L),V)
Dh0.vector()[:] =Dh0.vector().array() * (Bed.vector().array() < 2500.)

# only a small part reaches the boundary with non zero values (watch the plots) 
h0.vector()[:]=h0.vector() +Dh0.vector()

plot(h0+Bed, title='surface')

# should create the Dirichlet BC, but does not ...
bc= DirichletBC(V,max(h0.vector()),BC)

#this function is made just to apply the dirichlet BC


I would be really gratefull if someone can give me a hint

asked Mar 10, 2016 by PEdBoscs FEniCS Novice (170 points)

You need to be careful that you call the superconstructor when initialising your boundary object. Also, performing the comparison self.h0.vector()>0.1 does not make much sense in this context, I think you mean to evaluate the function h0 at the coordinate x.

class boundary(SubDomain):
  def __init__(self,h0):
  def inside(self,x,on_boundary):   
    return (x[0] < 0.1)and(self.h0(x)>0.1) and on_boundary

Thank you very much for your quick and efficient answer.
yes, you totally understood what I meant.
I just had to change the line

bc= DirichletBC(V,max(h0.vector()),BC,'pointwise')

and consequently erase the "on_boundary" from the boundary definition

  def inside(self,x,on_boundary):   
return (x[0] < 0.1)and(self.h0(x)>0.1)

and it worked like a charm !
