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Defining a function on many subdomains

0 votes

My apologies for asking a question that has been answered previously more than once (see here and here), but is there an easier way of doing this in case of many subdomains?

I would find it easier to write

f = Expression(expr_1, subdomain=domain_1,
               expr_2, subdomain=domain_2,
               expr_n, subdomain=domain_n)

and a single expression for the linear/bilinear form than having to break up the integrand on each subdomain.

Moreover, suppose I need to evaluate multiple times expressions involving f (for instance $f\cdot u$ and $f\cdot \nabla u$)?

I would like to add that I am a GMSH user, and the routine dolfin-convert makes it very easy to work with subdomains (even more so now that there is no need any longer to start the numering of the physical entities from 0).

asked Jan 18, 2016 by michele.zaffalon FEniCS Novice (450 points)
edited Jan 18, 2016 by michele.zaffalon