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Are C^1 Elements supported?

+1 vote


A simple question: What does "only partly supported." mean? in

I want to use some C^1 element, but it seems that they are partially supported. I don't know what is the meaning of that. Does anyone know something about that? Is there an example with C^1 elements?


asked Dec 8, 2015 by espath FEniCS Novice (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

There are no C^1 elements implemented in FEniCS.
If you have a fourth order problem, the only way
you can implement it is through interior penalty methods
or mixed methods.

answered Dec 13, 2015 by Kent-Andre Mardal FEniCS Expert (14,380 points)

Thank you. I would like to solve the primal version of the weak form. But ok. I will split the equation and work in the mixed form.
