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Configure PETSc

0 votes

I'd like to use super_lu solver and I know that I have to configure petsc with superlu. I downloaded the newest version of petsc (3.6.3), installed it into a directory and tried to build dolfin with cmake setting the -DPETSC_DIR to my new directory. Unfortunately cmake says that although it found petscconf.h, "Performing PETSC_TEST_RUNS - Failed".
How can I resolve the issue?

asked Dec 6, 2015 by str FEniCS User (1,600 points)

You can check the logfiles in CMakeFiles. Usually, I set PETSC_DIR as an environment variable, not on the CMake command line. Maybe try that?

You should probably also make sure to add $PETSC_DIR/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

It doesn't help unfortunately. Where would be the appropriate place to install PETSc where cmake probably automatically finds it? Could it be a problem that I am trying to install petsc 3.6.3? Is it required to install petsc with cusp (it says my petsc is not configured with cusp)?

1 Answer

0 votes

Cmake will find petsc if you set PETSC_DIR environment variable. It doesn't need cusp, but perhaps another error is ocurring. You need to sift through the config log in the CMakeFiles dir.

answered Dec 13, 2015 by chris_richardson FEniCS Expert (31,740 points)