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Need help to understand this working code : wave equation + crank nicolson

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Hello everyone,

I found this code on wave equation using Crank Nicolson and am trying to understand how the CN scheme is being implemented here. So, the form of crank nicolson scheme, that I am aware of is: where theta = 1/2 and 'k' is the time step.

$$u_t = v, v_t = \Delta u + f$$

enter image description here
enter image description here

Assembling the matrices and writing in term of Mass matrix 'M' and stiffness matrix 'A'.

enter image description here

The core of the code is shown below:

m = u*v*dx
M = assemble(m)
a = inner(grad(u),grad(v))*dx
A = assemble(a)
B = M + k**2*A/4.            
C = 2.*M - k**2*A/2.
D = -1.*M - k**2*A/4.

# solve linear variational problem
def solveprob(m1, m2, u, bc):
  prob = LinearVariationalProblem(m1, m2, u, bcs=bc)
  solver = LinearVariationalSolver(prob)

# Modify B to enforce boundary conditions
bc = DirichletBC(V, g, boundary)

# compute LU factorization of B
Bsolve = LUSolver(B)
Bsolve.parameters["reuse_factorization"] = True

# initial data is L^2-projection
g.t = t0 # evaluate g at time t0
uold = Function(V)
solveprob(m, u0*v*dx, uold, bc)
vold = Function(V)
solveprob(m, v0*v*dx, vold, bc)

f.t = t0
foldvec = assemble(f*v*dx)
if saveframes: vtkfile << uold

# approximate u(k) by u0 + k v0 + k^2/2 (Lap u + f)
t = t0 + k
ucur = Function(V)
g.t = t # evaluate g at time t0 + k
F = (uold + k*vold + k**2/2.*f)*v*dx - k**2/2.*inner(grad(uold),grad(v))*dx
solveprob(m, F, ucur, bc)
f.t = t
fcurvec = assemble(f*v*dx)
if saveframes: vtkfile << ucur

# Compute solution
unew = Function(V)
tstep = 1
print 'Beginning timestepping... '
while t + k <= T:
    # Crank-Nicolson timestepping applied to u_t = v, v_t = Lap u + f, and then v eliminated:
    # (u_{n+1} - 2 u_n + u_{n-1})/k^2 = (Lap u_{n+1} + 2 Lap u_n + Lap u_{n-1})/4 + (f_{n+1} + 2 f_n + f_{n-1})/4
    t += k
    tstep += 1
    f.t = t
    fnewvec = assemble(f*v*dx)
    L = C*ucur.vector() + D*uold.vector() + k**2 * (foldvec + 2.*fcurvec + fnewvec)/4.
    g.t = t # evaluate g at new time
    Bsolve.solve(unew.vector(), L)
    if saveframes: vtkfile << unew
    foldvec = fcurvec
    fcurvec = fnewvec
    if tstep%10 == 0:
      print "timestep: %g" % tstep

if not saveframes: vtkfile << ucur
print 'L2 norm at final time %.4e' % sqrt(abs(assemble(unew**2*dx)))

Now, I have the following questions:

  1. It is mentioned in the code that the form being implemented is:

Crank-Nicolson timestepping applied to u_t = v, v_t = Lap u + f, and then v eliminated:
$$(u_{n+1} - 2 u_n + u_{n-1})/k^2 = (\Delta u_{n+1} + 2 \Delta u_n + \Delta u_{n-1})/4 + (f_{n+1} + 2 f_n + f_{n-1})/4$$

How is the above form obtained?

2. What is the deal here with saveframes command used with 'if' statement for uold, ucur and unew? I have no idea what that is doing.

3. Where does the following come from ?

 F = (uold + k*vold + k**2/2.*f)*v*dx - k**2/2.*inner(grad(uold),grad(v))*dx
 L = C*ucur.vector() + D*uold.vector() + k**2 * (foldvec + 2.*fcurvec + fnewvec)/4.
asked Oct 28, 2015 by Chaitanya_Raj_Goyal FEniCS User (4,150 points)
edited Oct 30, 2015 by Chaitanya_Raj_Goyal