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Define initial condition with mesh coordinates problem

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Hi, I am a novice here so please let me know if someone already asked this question before and had it solved. I am trying to define initial conditions using mesh coordinates. The program runs but does not generate desired result. Please have a look:

from dolfin import *
import numpy as np 

mesh = UnitSquareMesh(16,8)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh,'CG',1)

C1 = Function(V)
C1_array = C1.vector().array()

meshco = mesh.coordinates()

for i in range(mesh.num_vertices()):
    if meshco[i][0]<=0.5+DOLFIN_EPS:


plot(C1, mode='color', elevate=0.0, range_max=1.0, range_min=0.0)
plot(mesh, interactive=True)

I checked the array in C1_array and the mesh coordinates are correct for what I wanted. The issue might arise when I imported C1_array back to C1.vector()[:]. This code results in a semi-random patterns of 0 and 1 across the unit square. I don't know how to embed the plot in here so if you could get a quick run on your computer to see what I meant.

Thank you in advance.

asked Oct 26, 2015 by lxd FEniCS Novice (290 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

This may do what you want:

from dolfin import *
import numpy as np 

mesh = UnitSquareMesh(16,8)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh,'CG',1)

C1 = Function(V)

class InitialCondition(Expression):
    def eval_cell(self, value, x, ufc_cell):
        if x[0] <= 0.5:
            value[0] = 1.0
            value[0] = 0.0

plot(C1, interactive=True)
answered Oct 27, 2015 by christianv FEniCS User (2,460 points)
selected Oct 27, 2015 by lxd

Awesome, christianv! It worked.
However, can you help me explain why mine didn't work? Thank you.

0 votes

Interestingly, following code works for your case (comparing Y coordinate of a node rather than X)

for i,j in enumerate(meshco): if j[1] <= 0.5: C1_array[i]= 1.0 else: C1_array[i]= 0.

The reason might be, that Fenics iterates in X direction in mesh.coordinates subroutine, but assigns the values in Y direction (don't know if it is realy true though!). I am also looking for a similar initialization procedure, mainly because of the Expression class is expensive for larger mesh size. May be someone can throw more light on this.

Best regards,

answered Jun 30, 2016 by omknadgir FEniCS Novice (260 points)