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Element Removal in Fenics

0 votes

Suppose I created a mesh using Fenics' internal mesh generator and use it for a simulation. Suppose that after a certain timestep, I want to remove a particular element (and its connected nodes if necessary) from the mesh. Is there an easy way to accomplish this using Fenics' built-in functions? If not, what would be the easiest way to remove a given element from a mesh?

asked Oct 21, 2015 by pmdelgado2 FEniCS Novice (210 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

This is not really possible at present - too many things depend on the mesh topology being fixed.
You can create a new Mesh using MeshEditor and not including the cells you wish to remove.

answered Oct 21, 2015 by chris_richardson FEniCS Expert (31,740 points)