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sin_dad-py plot problem

0 votes

Hey. I have problems with to see the end plot in this code:

"""Temperature variations in the ground."""

from dolfin import *
import sys, numpy, time

# Usage: degree D   nx ny nz
# Example:   1   1.5  4  40

# Create mesh and define function space
degree = int(sys.argv[1])
D = float(sys.argv[2])
W = D/2.0
divisions = [int(arg) for arg in sys.argv[3:]]
print 'degree=%d, D=%g, W=%g, %s cells' % \
      (degree, D, W, 'x'.join(sys.argv[3:]))

d = len(divisions)  # no of space dimensions
if d == 1:
    mesh = Interval(divisions[0], -D, 0)
elif d == 2:
    mesh = RectangleMesh(Point(-W/2, -D), Point(W/2, 0), divisions[0], divisions

elif d == 3:
    mesh = Box(-W/2, -W/2, -D, W/2, W/2, 0,
               divisions[0], divisions[1], divisions[2])
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', degree)

# Define boundary conditions

T_R = 0
T_A = 1.0
omega = 2*pi
# soil:
T_R = 10
T_A = 10
omega = 7.27E-5

T_0 = Expression('T_R + T_A*sin(omega*t)',
                 T_R=T_R, T_A=T_A, omega=omega, t=0.0)

def surface(x, on_boundary):
    return on_boundary and abs(x[d-1]) < 1E-14

bc = DirichletBC(V, T_0, surface)

period = 2*pi/omega
t_stop = 5*period
#t_stop = period/4
dt = period/14
theta = 1

kappa_0 = 2.3  # KN/s (K=Kelvin, temp. unit), for soil
kappa_0 = 12.3  # KN/s (K=Kelvin, temp. unit)
kappa_1 = 1E+4
kappa_1 = kappa_0

kappa_str = {}
kappa_str[1] = 'x[0] > -D/2 && x[0] < -D/2 + D/4 ? kappa_1 : kappa_0'
kappa_str[2] = 'x[0] > -W/4 && x[0] < W/4 '\
               '&& x[1] > -D/2 && x[1] < -D/2 + D/4 ? '\
               'kappa_1 : kappa_0'
kappa_str[3] = 'x[0] > -W/4 && x[0] < W/4 '\
               'x[1] > -W/4 && x[1] < W/4 '\
               '&& x[2] > -D/2 && x[2] < -D/2 + D/4 ?'\
               'kappa_1 : kappa_0'
period = 2*pi/omega
t_stop = 5*period
# Alternative way of defining the kappa function
class Kappa(Expression):
    def eval(self, value, x):
        """x: spatial point, value[0]: function value."""
        d = len(x)  # no of space dimensions
        material = 0  # 0: outside, 1: inside
        if d == 1:
            if -D/2. < x[d-1] < -D/2. + D/4.:
                material = 1
        elif d == 2:
            if -D/2. < x[d-1] < -D/2. + D/4. and \
               -W/4. < x[0] < W/4.:
                material = 1
        elif d == 3:
            if -D/2. < x[d-1] < -D/2. + D/4. and \
               -W/4. < x[0] < W/4. and -W/4. < x[1] < W/4.:
                material = 1
        value[0] = kappa_0 if material == 0 else kappa_1

# Physical parameters
kappa = Expression(kappa_str[d],
                   D=D, W=W, kappa_0=kappa_0, kappa_1=kappa_1)
#kappa = Kappa(V)

# soil:
rho = 1500
c = 1600

print 'Thermal diffusivity:', kappa_0/rho/c

# Define initial condition
T_1 = interpolate(Constant(T_R), V)

# Define variational problem
T = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
f = Constant(0)
a = rho*c*T*v*dx + theta*dt*kappa*\
    inner(nabla_grad(v), nabla_grad(T))*dx
L = (rho*c*T_1*v + dt*f*v -
     (1-theta)*dt*kappa*inner(nabla_grad(v), nabla_grad(T)))*dx

A = assemble(a)
b = None  # variable used for memory savings in assemble calls

# Compute solution
T = Function(V)   # unknown at the new time level

# hack for plotting (first surface must span all values (?))
dummy = Expression('T_R - T_A/2.0 + 2*T_A*(x[%g]+D)' % (d-1),
                   T_R=T_R, T_A=T_A, D=D)

# Make all plot commands inctive
import scitools.misc
plot = scitools.misc.DoNothing(silent=True)
# Need initial dummy plot
viz = plot(dummy, axes=True,
           title='Temperature', wireframe=True)

import scitools.BoxField
start_pt = [0]*d; start_pt[-1] = -D  # start pt for line plot
import scitools.easyviz as ev

def line_plot():
    """Make a line plot of T along the vertical direction."""
    if T.ufl_element().degree() != 1:
        T2 = interpolate(T, FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 1))
        T2 = T
    T_box = scitools.BoxField.dolfin_function2BoxField(
            T2, mesh, divisions, uniform_mesh=True)
    #T_box = scitools.BoxField.update_from_dolfin_array(
    #        T.vector().array(), T_box)
    coor, Tval, fixed, snapped = \
            T_box.gridline(start_pt, direction=d-1)

    # Use just one ev.plot command, not hold('on') and two ev.plot
    # etc for smooth movie on the screen
    if kappa_0 == kappa_1:  # analytical solution?
        ev.plot(coor, Tval, 'r-',
                coor, T_exact(coor), 'b-',
                axis=[-D, 0, T_R-T_A, T_R+T_A],
                xlabel='depth', ylabel='temperature',
                legend=['numerical', 'exact, const kappa=%g' % kappa_0],
                legend_loc='upper left',
                title='t=%.4f' % t)
        ev.plot(coor, Tval, 'r-',
                axis=[-D, 0, T_R-T_A, T_R+T_A],
                xlabel='depth', ylabel='temperature',
                title='t=%.4f' % t)

    ev.savefig('tmp_%04d.png' % counter)

def T_exact(x):
    a = sqrt(omega*rho*c/(2*kappa_0))
    return T_R + T_A*numpy.exp(a*x)*numpy.sin(omega*t + a*x)

n = FacetNormal(mesh)  # for flux computation at the top boundary
flux = -kappa*dot(nabla_grad(T), n)*ds

t = dt
counter = 0
while t <= t_stop:
    print ('time =', t)
    b = assemble(L, tensor=b)
    T_0.t = t
    help = interpolate(T_0, V)
    print ('T_0:', help.vector().array()[0])
    bc.apply(A, b)
    solve(A, T.vector(), b)
    #viz.write_ps('diff2_%04d' % counter)

    total_flux = assemble(flux)
    print 'Total flux:', total_flux

    t += dt
    counter += 1

viz=plot(T, title='Final solution')


It is viz=plot(T, title='Final solution') I can't see. The terminal write *** Warning: No plots have been shown yet. Ignoring call to interactive().

The line plot and the printed values can I see, but why can I not see the plot I make in the last five lines in the code? I hope somone can help me. Regards stargirl5

asked Sep 27, 2015 by stargirl5 FEniCS Novice (160 points)
edited Sep 29, 2015 by stargirl5

Please format your code properly (4 spaces indentation, or use Ctrl+K). Check that it's runnable, that way it will be much easier to help.

I have format my code correct now. Can you help me?

1 Answer

0 votes

The interactive you are calling here is part of dolfin. I am not familiar with scitools, which you are using for plotting here. Either find the interactive call to scittols, e.g. viz.interactive(), or plot with dolfin plot like this at the end of the code:

from dolfin import plot as dplot
dplot(T, interactive=True)
answered Sep 29, 2015 by Øyvind Evju FEniCS Expert (17,700 points)