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The function LocalMeshData() doesn´t return all data

+3 votes


For a square mesh I would like get local mesh data from each processor (for example from 2 processors). I supposed that the function LocalMeshData(mesh) returns local mesh data corresponding to a part of global mesh for the given processor. However I obtained only half part of local mesh data and the data was distributed among processors. The code is called with mpirun -np 2.

Thanks for any ideas.

  UnitSquareMesh mesh(4, 4);
  Poisson::FunctionSpace V(mesh);


  std::string ss = LocalMeshData(mesh).str(true);
  std::cout << ss << "\n";


<LocalMeshData with 7 vertices (out of 15) and 8 cells (out of 16)>
  Vertex coordinates
    0: 0 0.75
    1: 0.5 0.75
    2: 0.75 0.75
    3: 0.25 1
    4: 0 1
    5: 0.5 1
    6: 0.75 1

  Vertex indices
    0: 8
    1: 9
    2: 10
    3: 11
    4: 12
    5: 13
    6: 14

  Cell vertices
    0: 4 7 9
    1: 6 9 10
    2: 8 7 11
    3: 8 12 11
    4: 7 9 13
    5: 7 11 13
    6: 9 10 14
    7: 9 13 14

<LocalMeshData with 8 vertices (out of 15) and 8 cells (out of 16)>
  Vertex coordinates
    0: 0 0
    1: 0.25 0
    2: 0.25 0.25
    3: 0 0.25
    4: 0.25 0.5
    5: 0 0.5
    6: 0.5 0.5
    7: 0.25 0.75

  Vertex indices
    0: 0
    1: 1
    2: 2
    3: 3
    4: 4
    5: 5
    6: 6
    7: 7

  Cell vertices
    0: 0 1 2
    1: 0 3 2
    2: 3 2 4
    3: 3 5 4
    4: 2 4 6
    5: 5 4 7
    6: 5 8 7
    7: 4 6 9
asked Aug 20, 2015 by Pavli FEniCS Novice (340 points)