Hi, I implemented a DG upwinding scheme for solution of incompressible NS equations in 2D/3D. The method leads to a saddle-point problem which I want to solve using a simple preconditioner that I would like to write myself.
If I would use in-build tools I would use among others the following (see Newton method programmed manually)
A,b = assemble_system(Jac,-T,bcs_hom)
in every Newton iteration. Basically, this line I want to rewrite manually, i.e. I have to assemble the system manually and also apply the homogenise BC.
You can see in the following code (sorry for the length, you can ignore most of the code if you want, it is there just in case you would like to run it) in the solve_SP() procedure how I assemble and solve the system
A*x + B*y = R1
BT*x = R2.
As I said, I'm basically interested just in the application of homogenise BC on this saddle-point system - I apply the homogenise BC on the matrix A and vector R1, but if I'm not wrong, I should apply somehow the homogenise BC even on BT and R2, or not? If so, how can I do it? Thanks a lot for any suggestions.
from dolfin import *
import petsc4py
from petsc4py import PETSc
import numpy as np
dim = 2
# Mesh
Right = 2.5
Top = 1.0
mesh = RectangleMesh(0.0,0.0,Right,Top, 25, 10,"crossed")
bndry = FacetFunction("size_t", mesh)
# Boundary description
class LeftBoundary(SubDomain):
def inside(self, x, bndry):
return x[0] < DOLFIN_EPS
class RightBoundary(SubDomain):
def inside(self, x, bndry):
return x[0] > Right-DOLFIN_EPS
class TopBoundary(SubDomain):
def inside(self, x, bndry):
return x[1] > Top-DOLFIN_EPS
class BottomBoundary(SubDomain):
def inside(self, x, bndry):
return x[1] < DOLFIN_EPS
# Function spaces
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 1)
Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 0)
# Boundary conditions
noslip = Expression(("0.0", "0.0"), t = 0.0)
u_IN = Expression(("x[1]*(1.0-x[1])", "0.0"), t = 0.0)
bc_top = DirichletBC(V, noslip, TopBoundary(), 'pointwise')
bc_bottom = DirichletBC(V, noslip, BottomBoundary(), 'pointwise')
bc_left = DirichletBC(V, u_IN, LeftBoundary(), 'pointwise')
bcs = [bc_top, bc_bottom, bc_left]
bcs_hom = homogenize(bcs)
# Unknown and test functions
u = Function(V)
u_inc = Function(V) # incremental function for Newton process
p = Function(Q)
p_inc = Function(Q) # incremental function for Newton process
v = TestFunction(V)
q = TestFunction(Q)
u_1 = Function(V) # velocity from previous time step
du = TrialFunction(V)
dp = TrialFunction(Q)
# Problem parameters
T_end = 0.02
dt = 0.01
t = dt # time variable
nu = 1.36*1.e-4 # air viscosity
u0 = Expression(("0.0", "0.0"))
f_rhs = Expression(("0.0", "0.0"), t = 0.0)
sigma = 10.0 # penalty parameter in J() form
atol, rtol = 1e-7, 1e-10 # abs/rel tolerances
lmbda = 1.0 # relaxation parameter
maxIter = 10
# Variational formulation
n = FacetNormal(mesh)
ds = Measure("ds", subdomain_data = bndry)
I = Identity(u.geometric_dimension())
D = 0.5*nu*(grad(u) + grad(u).T)
def a(u,v):
M = inner(D,grad(v))*dx - inner(avg(D)*n('+'),jump(v))*dS
return M
def J(u,v):
M = sigma*inner(jump(u),jump(v))*dS
return M
def b(p,v):
M = -p*div(v)*dx + avg(p)*dot(jump(v),n('+'))*dS
return M
def c(u,w,v):
P = avg(dot(w,n))
H = conditional(P < 0.0, dot(u('+'),w('+')), dot(u('-'),w('-')))
M = -0.5*inner(grad(v)*u,w)*dx + inner(0.5*H*n('+'),jump(v))*dS
return M
def L(v):
M = inner(f_rhs,v)*dx
return M
r1 = (1/dt)*inner(u - u_1,v)*dx + a(u,v) + J(u,v) + c(u,u_1,v) - L(v) + b(p,v)
r2 = b(q,u)
a_d = derivative(r1,u,du)
b_d = derivative(r1,p,dp)
b_dT = derivative(r2,u,du)
# Solution
plt = plot(u, mesh = mesh, mode="color", interactive = True, wireframe = False)
pltP = plot(p, mesh = mesh, mode="color", interactive = True, wireframe = False)
u_1.assign(interpolate(u0,V)) # apply initial condition
for bc in bcs:
bc.apply(u.vector()) # apply boundary condition
def solve_SP():
# Solution vectors
x = Function(V)
y = Function(Q)
# Assembling Saddle-point blocks
A = PETScMatrix()
assemble(a_d, tensor=A)
for bc in bcs_hom:
B = PETScMatrix()
assemble(b_d, tensor=B)
BT = PETScMatrix()
assemble(b_dT, tensor=BT)
# Assembling RHS for Newton
R1 = assemble(-r1)
R2 = assemble(-r2)
for bc in bcs_hom:
# Solver
solver = LUSolver(A)
solver.parameters['reuse_factorization'] = True
# solving A*x_ = R1
x_ = Function(V)
# solving A*xv = b, where xv are solution vectors and b is i-th column of B
n = V.dim()
m = Q.dim()
xv, b = [Vector(None, n) for i in range(2)]
ei = Vector(None,m)
# Matrix of solutions x as columns
K = PETSc.Mat().createDense([n, m])
rows = range(n)
for i in range(m):
# This is i-th R^m basis vector
ei[i] = 1
# B.ei gives the i-th colum
B.mult(ei, b)
solver.solve(xv, b)
# Set the column
col = [i]
K.setValues(rows, col, xv.array())
K = PETScMatrix(K)
# Solving BT*K*y = BT*x_ - R2
BTK = PETSc.Mat().createDense([m, m])
iCol = Vector(None,n)
iBTK = Vector(None,m)
rows = range(m)
for i in range(m):
# This is i-th R^m basis vector
ei[i] = 1
# K.ei gives the i-th column iCol
K.mult(ei, iCol)
# BT.iCol gives i-th column of BT*K
# Set the column
col = [i]
BTK.setValues(rows, col, iBTK.array())
BTK = PETScMatrix(BTK)
# Finalizing BT*K*y = BT*x_ - R2
rhs = Vector(None,m)
rhs = rhs - R2
# Computing K*y in order to set x = x_ - K*y
Ky = Function(V)
x.vector()[:] = x_.vector() - Ky.vector()
err = np.sqrt(x_.vector().norm('l2')**2 + rhs.norm('l2')**2)
return [x,y,err]
while t<=T_end:
print 'time step: ', t
nIter = 0
res = 1
rel_res = 1
while res > atol and rel_res > rtol and nIter < maxIter: # Newton iterations
nIter += 1
[u_inc,p_inc,res] = solve_SP()
if (nIter == 1):
rel_res = 1
rel_res = res/res_1
res_1 = res
string = "Newton iteration %d: r (abs) = %.3e (tol = %.3e) r (rel) = %.3e (tol = %.3e)"
print string % (nIter, res, atol, rel_res, rtol)
u.vector()[:] += lmbda*u_inc.vector() # New u vector
p.vector()[:] += lmbda*p_inc.vector() # New p vector
t += float(dt)
PS: I'm comparing the results with results that I get using the in-build NewtonSolver (with GMRES and ILU precond.) and I'm getting different results even though convergence is nice.