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Is it possible to make changes in the way finite element is defined?

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I am working on implementation of the mixed finite element method for Darcy problem, that can be reduced to the cell-centered finite differences. I use BDM1 - P0 finite element discretization for the method and special choice of quadrature rules that allows me to reach my goals.
The only non-standard thing that I am trying to do here is to use the BDM elements with degrees of freedom at the vertices, opposed to the default Fenics BDM elements, as can be seen on the picture.
enter image description here
I was able to do this by manually changing the and files in FIAT folder of my local Fenics installation, which is rather simple but not a nice way of doing it, especially since now I am trying to run this simulation on computational server on which I do not have root privileges in order to make such changes.
So I wanted to ask you whether it is possible to implement this in a better way? I was thinking of subclassing the FiniteElement class, but I could not figure out how to do this exactly, and what to do with such a subclass further.
Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated,

Thank you.

asked Jul 21, 2015 by mfmfe FEniCS Novice (230 points)