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Role of mixed function spaces in coupled differential equations

+2 votes

What is the importance of mixed function spaces?

Could I solve a set of coupled partial differential equations without having to make a mixed function space?

Computationally what does mixed function space do?

asked Jul 20, 2015 by aldenpack FEniCS User (1,450 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

Conceptually, mixed function spaces account for the structure of, say, a PDE and a constraint (which might be a second PDE) that are coupled together through a Lagrangian Multiplier.

One can also solve both equations separately without mixing the FE spaces and realize the coupling in a different way, maybe by adding some algebraic constraints (the interface conditions) to the system.

answered Jul 21, 2015 by Jan FEniCS User (8,290 points)
selected Jun 27, 2016 by aldenpack