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Mesh (and geometry) preprocessor software

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Unless I missed something, the documentation is noteworthy short on the creation of more complex domains than a UnitSquare or UnitCircle.

Domains of complex shape must normally be constructed in separate preprocessor programs.Two relevant preprocessors are Triangle for 2D domains and NETGEN for 3D domains.

There is some more information in The Fenics Book (chapter on DOLFIN) on converting different mesh formats. However:

1) Which mesh file formats play most nicely with DOLFIN, i.e. are recommended given a choice?

Eventually, I intend to define some geometry (using some parameters, eg. wire diameter etc.), create a mesh for it, and pass this to FEniCS to solve a PDE. And then do this for a range of parameters to optimize the geometry.
Although this is not FEniCS core business:

2) Is there recommended software to do this? So far GMSH's geometry and mesh modules look like my best bet, but before commiting to this I would very much value some some second opinion?

asked Jun 12, 2015 by maartent FEniCS User (3,910 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

Most people find gmsh works well. There is also mshr, part of the FEniCS project.

answered Jun 13, 2015 by chris_richardson FEniCS Expert (31,740 points)
selected Aug 6, 2015 by maartent