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dolfin-convert location within FEniCS VM

0 votes

Does anyone use the VM and know the location wherein that I can find the dolfin-convert? Or get a hold of it? I have searched every folder on this VM and nada.

I aim to put it within the same folder as my mesh I am looking to convert.


asked Jun 5, 2015 by Pudge FEniCS Novice (140 points)

Why would you want to put it in the folder where you keep your meshes? Consider adjusting your PATH environment variable accordingly if it is just for the sake of not having to type in the absolute path each time.

1 Answer

0 votes

Have you tried which dolfin-convert in the terminal?
In my case, it's located at /usr/bin/dolfin-convert

answered Jun 6, 2015 by Chao Zhang FEniCS User (1,180 points)