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About Automatic Differentiation

+1 vote

I have a quite general question about automatic differentiation tools in FFC and UFL. As I could understand from the FEniCS book it is midway between automatic differentiation and symbolic differentiation, and quite close to a forward accumulation mode. I guess if this is correct, and if there is documentation to understand exactly and in detail how this tool works, its performances, and how optimization is performed. I found that in UFL manual that section is missing.

Thank you in advance for any suggestion and sorry if this is not the correct place for such question.


asked May 24, 2015 by Stefano FEniCS Novice (460 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes

Perhaps the UFL paper will provide more insight. See section 6.4.

answered May 27, 2015 by Øyvind Evju FEniCS Expert (17,700 points)

Sorry for my late answer. Thank you very much, that document and the references in it gave me a good insight in the problem.
