Dear all,
I am still working on a way to refine a mesh, but it's really not easy. I will bother you in the future :)
Anyway, I've read the topic SubMesh workaround for parallel computation, and since I still get errors on SubMesh with MPI, I was wondering if any progress have been made.
The question is now, as a workaround, how can I drive the mesh partitioning on each process? And how is partitioning made by default?
Reading and playing with meshes, I've concluded partitions are "load balanced", in the sense that, as far as I understand, the number of cells (vertices) is evenly distributed among processes.
I was wondering this: what if I have a local phenomena? For instance, in a cracked domain, I could say that cells near the crack tip should belong to one process. I am also thinking if this is also a good strategy, I don't really know, so any advice is hugely welcome!
Thanks & Cheers!