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Most efficient way to identify which surface vertex belongs to which shape function in a given triangle

0 votes

Dear All

I require the information which surface vertex belongs to which shape function in a given triangle
on a certain boundary.
This should be known to FEniCS.
I have found a round about way to get this information by calculating the mean value
of all vertices and ordering the vertices with respect to the distance from
that mean.
Any pointers will be much appreciated.



asked May 1, 2015 by moritzbraun FEniCS User (1,390 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Check out the functions vertex_to_dof_map and dof_to_vertex_map.

answered May 4, 2015 by logg FEniCS Expert (11,790 points)

Dear Anders

Thanks for your answer!

However, how to I access this information from dolfin i.e.
using python ?
these functions are not exposed under V.dofmap() in python!


