I'm trying to formulate and solve the generalized Laplace equation, but i would like to use edge elements instead of node ones because i had already set up another big part of code using the first ones. My questioning is located in the FFC part, where i have the following ufl form in one integral:
helem = FiniteElement("Nedelec 1st kind H(curl)", tetrahedron, 1)
u = TrialFunction(helem)
v = TestFunction(helem)
Some constants
sigma_r = TensorConstant("tetrahedron")
a = -inner(nabla_grad(u),sigma_rnabla_grad(v))dx # Volume integral form
So my real question is what the nabla_grad(u) has as a result. In the "Fenics book" at page 8 it says that this is the gradient of a vector. What does gradient of a vector mean? I would understand it if it said that this is the divergence of a vector. Does anyone know which is the exact process of the nabla_grad(u), where u is a vector function?
Kind regards and many thanks