So we can easily get the vertex mapping from a SubMesh back to a BoundaryMesh, as described here, utilizing
t ='parent_vertex_indices', 0)
However, if submesh is a SubMesh of a BoundaryMesh, the BoundaryMesh does not have any 'parent_vertex_indices'. My question is, how do i map back the the original mesh:
from dolfin import *
from pylab import *
mesh = UnitCubeMesh(10,10,10) # original mesh
mesh.coordinates()[:,0] -= .5 # shift x-coords
mesh.coordinates()[:,1] -= .5 # shift y-coords
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
u = Function(V)
# apply expression over cube for clearer results :
u_i = Expression('sqrt(pow(x[0],2) + pow(x[1], 2))')
bmesh = BoundaryMesh(mesh, "exterior") # surface boundary mesh
# mark the boundary of the bottom surface :
cellmap = bmesh.entity_map(2)
vertmap = bmesh.entity_map(0)
pb = CellFunction("size_t", bmesh, 0)
for c in cells(bmesh):
if Facet(mesh, cellmap[c.index()]).normal().z() < 0:
pb[c] = 1
submesh = SubMesh(bmesh, pb, 1) # bottom of boundary mesh
Vb = FunctionSpace(bmesh, "CG", 1) # surface function space
Vs = FunctionSpace(submesh, "CG", 1) # submesh function space
ub = Function(Vb) # boundary function
us = Function(Vs) # surface function
ub.interpolate(u) # interpolate u onto boundary
us.interpolate(u) # interpolate u onto surface mesh
unb = Function(Vb) # new boundary function
un = Function(V) # new whole function
# mappings we may need :
m = vertex_to_dof_map(V)
b = vertex_to_dof_map(Vb)
s = vertex_to_dof_map(Vs)
mi = dof_to_vertex_map(V)
bi = dof_to_vertex_map(Vb)
si = dof_to_vertex_map(Vs)
# mapping from submesh back to bmesh :
t ='parent_vertex_indices', 0)
# get vertex-valued arrays :
us_a = us.vector().array()
u_a = u.vector().array()
ub_a = ub.vector().array()
unb_a = unb.vector().array()
un_a = un.vector().array()
# update the values of the new functions to be the values of the surface :
unb_a[b[t]] = us_a[s] # works
un_a[m[b[t]]] = us_a[s] # need something to make this sort of thing work
# save for viewing :
File("output/u.pvd") << u
File("output/ub_n.pvd") << unb
File("output/un.pvd") << un
File("output/us.pvd") << us
so the function 'un' above will have 'us' on it's bottom side, and zero everywhere else.
Here is 'us' plotted on top of a wireframe 'u', for reference :
I know that you can apply a boundary condition to the new function like this:
ff = FacetFunction('size_t', mesh, 0)
for f in facets(mesh):
n = f.normal()
if n.z() < 1e-8 and abs(n.x()) < 1e-8 and abs(n.y()) < 1e-8:
ff[f] = 1
File("output/ff.pvd") << ff
bc = DirichletBC(V, u, ff, 1)
but we are working with SubMeshes and would like to efficiently translate to grand-parent meshes.