Hello everybody
I try to solve a simple acoustic test case consisting of an air filled box with a point source inside. On one surface is a thin layer of porous absorbing material.
The problem is, that gmres does not converge for certain frequencies.
For example for 300, 290, 280, 270Hz the solver converges and the solution process takes about 10min each on my machine. For 230Hz the solution process takes about 2:40 for 220Hz about 1:30 and for 190Hz gmres does not converge at all.
This is counterintuitive because the solution oscillates less for lower frequencies, so I would expect that lower frequencies would converge faster.
Where can I begin to search for the problem?
Any hint would be very much appreciated.
This is the code of the problem:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# 2015-03-04 10:58
import math as m
import numpy as np
from dolfin import *
thickness = 0.1
L = 3.2
Lx = L
Ly = L
Lz = L
Nx = 32
Ny = 32
Nz = 32
mesh = BoxMesh(0., 0., 0., Lx, Ly, Lz, Nx, Ny, Nz)
W = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 2)
W2 = W * W
# add subdomains
class Air(SubDomain):
def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
return x[0] >= thickness
class Absorber(SubDomain):
def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
return x[0] <= thickness
class AA_interface(SubDomain):
def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
return near(x[0], thickness)
air = Air()
absorber = Absorber()
aai = AA_interface()
# Initialize mesh function for interior domains
domains = CellFunction("size_t", mesh)
absorber.mark(domains, 1)
air.mark(domains, 2)
# Initialize mesh function for internal boundary domains
internal_boundaries = FacetFunction("size_t", mesh)
aai.mark(internal_boundaries, 1)
dx = Measure("dx")[domains]
dS = Measure("dS")[internal_boundaries]
frequency = 300
print frequency
# acoustic parameters
c = 343.4
rho = 1.204
omega = 2.*m.pi*frequency
agemo = Constant(1./omega)
k = omega/c
ksquared = Constant(k**2.)
k = Constant(k)
# Absorber Parameters
xi = 10000.
kappa = 1.3
sigma = 0.99
zr = Constant(kappa)
zi = Constant(-xi*sigma / (rho))
ks = Constant(kappa/sigma)
xr = Constant(xi/rho)
# define functions
(pr, pi) = TrialFunction(W2)
(w1, w2) = TestFunction(W2)
# air domain
a_air = (pr*w1*ksquared + pi*w2*ksquared -
inner(nabla_grad(pr), nabla_grad(w1)) -
inner(nabla_grad(pi), nabla_grad(w2)))*dx(2)
# absorber domain
a_absorber = (pr*zr*w1*ksquared - zi*agemo*pi*w1*ksquared +
zi*agemo*pr*w2*ksquared + zr*pi*w2*ksquared -
inner(nabla_grad(pr), nabla_grad(w1)) -
inner(nabla_grad(pi), nabla_grad(w2)))*dx(1)
a = a_air + a_absorber
# right hand side
L = Constant('0.')*(w1 - w2)*dx(1)
# interface
n = FacetNormal(mesh)
denominator = Constant(1./(kappa*kappa/(sigma*sigma) +
# (w1*dot(grad(pr)('-'), n('-')) + w2*dot(grad(pi)('-'), n('-')))*dS(1) =
a_abs_interface = (- ks* w1('-')*dot(grad(pr('-')), n('-'))
- xr*agemo*w1('-')*dot(grad(pi('-')), n('-'))
- ks* w2('-')*dot(grad(pi('-')), n('-'))
+ xr*agemo*w2('-')*dot(grad(pr('-')), n('-'))
# (w1*dot(grad(pr)('+'), n('+')) + w2*dot(grad(pi)('+'), n('+')))*dS(1) =
a_air_interface = (- denominator*ks* w1('+')*dot(grad(pr('+')), n('+'))
+ denominator*xr*agemo*w1('+')*dot(grad(pi('+')), n('+'))
- denominator*ks* w2('+')*dot(grad(pi('+')), n('+'))
- denominator*xr*agemo*w2('+')*dot(grad(pr('+')), n('+'))
a_interface = a_abs_interface + a_air_interface
a += a_interface
A = assemble(a)
b = assemble(L)
ps0 = PointSource(W2.sub(0), Point(thickness + 1.5, Ly/2., Lz/2.), 1.)
ps1 = PointSource(W2.sub(1), Point(thickness + 1.5, Ly/2., Lz/2.), 1.)
p = Function(W2)
P = p.vector()
solver = KrylovSolver("gmres", "amg")
info(solver.default_parameters(), True)
solver.parameters['monitor_convergence'] = True
solver.parameters['absolute_tolerance'] = 1.0e-6
solver.parameters['gmres']['restart'] = 10000
solver.solve(A, P, b)
pr, pi = p.split()
plot(pr, title='pr')
plot(pi, title='pi')