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Derivative of (weighted) functionnal

+2 votes

Sorry for the relatively simple question, but the doc is a bit short, and I couldn't find a corresponding QA.

Say I have the functional

$\mathcal F[u] = \int_\Omega q(u(x))\, w(x)\; dx$

where $q$ is a known nonlinear function and $w$ is a known weight. I would like to compute the derivative of $\mathcal F$ w.r.t. $u$, evaluated at $u=u_0$, for some $u_0$.

If the form is defined as

F = q(u)*w*dx,

how could this be done using derivative? Also I would say that u and w need to be defined as Function, since the form is nonlinear, is that right?


It seems to work fairly well in 1D, modulo normalisation, see here. But in 2D things go haywire (normalisation problem, not a big deal, but a lot of oscillations!)

Key to the plots: [theoretical gradient] [computed gradient] [ratio of the two]

# coding: utf-8
# This file is released under the WTFPL (
from __future__ import division

from dolfin import *
    from mshr import *

normalise = False

# consider the unit ball,
R = 1
N = 100

# in dimension 1 or 2.
dim = 2

if dim == 1:
    mesh = IntervalMesh(N, -R, R)
    domain = Circle(Point(0.0, 0.0), R)
    if dolfin.__version__ > '1.4.0+':
        mesh = generate_mesh(domain, N)
        mesh = Mesh(domain, N)

V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1)
u = Function(V)

# we will consider ∫ q(u(x)) w(x) dx,
# where w(x) = w(r) = 1+r²
w = project(Expression('x[0]*x[0]+x[1]*x[1]+1'), V)

# and q(y) = y²
q = lambda x:x*x

energy = w*q(u)*dx

# differentiate, should coefficient_derivatives only be specified if w depends on u?
deriv = derivative(energy, u) #, coefficient_derivatives={w:0})

# evaluate at some u0
u0 = project(Expression('1+cos(3*pi*x[0])/4'), V)
deriv = replace(deriv, {u:u0})
gradient_v = assemble(deriv).array()

# normalise
if normalise and dim == 1:
    gradient_v = N/R * gradient_v

if normalise and dim == 2:

# build the dolfin function
gradient = Function(V)
gradient.vector()[:] = gradient_v

# plot
plot(2*w*u0, title="Theoretical gradient", mode="color")
plot(gradient, title="Numerical gradient", mode="color")
plot(2*w*u0/gradient, title="Ratio", mode="color")

asked Feb 28, 2015 by gjankowiak FEniCS Novice (880 points)
edited Mar 1, 2015 by gjankowiak

1 Answer

0 votes

You can use derivative. Take a look at for an example of computing the directional derivative.

answered Mar 4, 2015 by Garth N. Wells FEniCS Expert (35,930 points)