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Spuriuos oscillations with curvature related forces

0 votes

I have to deal with problems including surface tension. This forcing is proportional to the curvature of the interface. The treatment is as follows.
$\int_{\Gamma} w^{t} k \gamma d\Gamma = \int_{Gamma}\gamma t \cdot (t \cdot \nabla)w d\Gamma + b.t.$
Where k is the local vector curvature, w is the test function and $\gamma$ is the surface tension coefficient, t is the tangent vector to the interface.
The ufl code I wrote is as follows.

P0 = FiniteElement("DG",triangle,0)
P1 = FiniteElement("DG",triangle,0)
P2 = VectorElement("Lagrange",triangle,2)

V = MixedElement([P2,P1])

(s, ps) = TrialFunctions(V)
(w, qs) = TestFunctions(V)

gamma = Constant(triangle)
kmesh = Constant(triangle)

n = FacetNormal(triangle)

ss = Coefficient(P2)
pps = Coefficient(P1)

t=as_vector([n[1], -n[0]])

F = -(\

J = -derivative(F,(ss, pps), (s, ps))

forms=[F, J]

The exact solution for a circular domain should be a jump in pressure that equals the surface tension coefficient $\gamma$, but I find spurious overshoots in pressure just in the cells close to the interface. Unfortunately I am not able to put her an image of them.

Thanks for any suggestion.

asked Feb 23, 2015 by Stefano FEniCS Novice (460 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

I have done a similar thing in FEniCS using a variational approach and automatic differentiation for an hyperelastic material with surface tension.

You can find the paper with the FEniCS code in the supplemental material here

If you do not have access to the review I can send you the paper and the code


answered Feb 23, 2015 by cmaurini FEniCS User (1,130 points)

Thank you very much. I read the article. It is very interesting and quite similar to what I'm doing. I'm searching the steady state solution of a bubble, so I have to solve both the internal and external fields. The boundary force acts so on a boundary immersed in the domain. What I posted is just a test that reproduces the error. I have no access to the code I would be very grate to you if you could send it to me.
Thank you very much.
