Thank you all for a nice Q&A forum.
I would like to sum my two solutions u and ub to one solution for plotting in paraview. (key problem follows bellow code)
What I tried:
from dolfin import *
# Create mesh and define function space
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(24, 24)
W1 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
V = MixedFunctionSpace([W1,W1])
# Define test and trial functions
(u, ub) = TrialFunctions(V)
(v, w) = TestFunctions(V)
# Initial condition
c0 = Function(V)
s = Function(W1)
u_init = Expression("x[0]")
(u0, ub0) = as_vector((c0[0], c0[1]))
# Define parameters and coefficients
dt = 0.01
T = 0.1
k1 = 0.2
k2 = 0.1
D = 0.1
# Define variational problem
F1 = (1/dt)*(u-u0)*v *dx \
+ D*dot(grad(v), grad(u))*dx \
- k1*u*v*dx + k2*ub*v*dx
F2 = (1/dt)*(ub-ub0)*v *dx \
+ D*dot(grad(w), grad(ub))*dx \
- k2*ub*w*dx + k1*u*w*dx
F = F1 + F2
a = lhs(F); L = rhs(F)
# preassembly
A = assemble(a)
b = None
# Compute solution
c1 = Function(V)
t = dt
#plot(ub0); interactive()
file1 = File("solutions/u.pvd")
file2 = File("solutions/ub.pvd")
file3 = File("solutions/c.pvd")
while t < T:
#Write to file
(u0, ub0) = c0.split()
file1 << u0
file2 << ub0
#Solve problem
b = assemble(L, tensor=b)
solve(A, c1.vector(), b)
(u1, ub1) = c1.split()
# Sum solutions: c = u + ub
c = TrialFunction(W1)
rho = TestFunction(W1)
L1 = ub1*rho*dx + u1*rho*dx
a1 = c*rho*dx
c = Function(W1)
solve(a1 == L1, c)
file3 << c
print("Solution vector norm (0): {!r}".format(c.vector().norm("l2")))
t += dt
# Save last solution to file
file1 << u0
file2 << ub0
Everything runs fin, however I cannot get paraview to show the solution c.pvd as an animation. This is dude to the way FEniCS write to the .vtu files. In each .vtu file the function changes name. See section from c00000.vtu:
<PointData Scalars="f_35">
<DataArray type="Float64" Name="f_35" format="ascii">
In each c0000.vtu Scalars and Name takes a different name, how can I ensure that this does not happen? In u0000.vtu and ub0000*.vtu there is no problems at all, there Scalars="u" and Name="u".
I did not have any problem with this in the earlier versions of FEniCS, this problem was introduced in 1.4 and also occurs in 1.5.
(If anyone has an easier way to sum u and ub, then I would like to know that too.)
Thank you.