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How to correctly update solutions in a dynamic problem using MixedFunctionSpace and operator splitting ?

+1 vote


I am trying to solve a mixed variational formulation for a dynamic FSI type of application, and I am using operator splitting techniques to set-up my problem. I have been able to set the basics (boundary conditions, initial conditions etc.) all okay. However, I think I do not really understand the way MixedFunctionSpace in FEniCS handles updates to the functions. My solution variables do not change with time at all - they seem to be remaining at the same value. To be precise only Vp seems to be getting updated - the variables for U and P and Lp are not.

I present here a minimal example (which may still be relatively long, but kindly bear with me please).

I first set up the spaces as follows:

from dolfin import *

V   = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 2, dim=2)
P   = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
Up  = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "R", 0, dim=2)
Lp  = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "R", 0, dim=2)

# for operator splitting step 1
M1          = MixedFunctionSpace([V,P])
U1, P1      = TrialFunctions(M1)  
W1, Q1      = TestFunctions(M1)

Solution_M1         = Function(M1)
(U1_sol, P1_sol)    = Solution_M1.split(True)

# for operator splitting step 2
U2          = TrialFunction(V)  
W2          = TestFunction(V) 

U2_sol = Function(V)

# for operator splitting step 3
combinedSpace     = MixedFunctionSpace([V,P,Up,Lp])
U3, P3, Vp3, Lp3  = TrialFunctions(combinedSpace) 
W3, Q3, Up3, Mp3  = TestFunctions(combinedSpace)

Solution_M3       = Function(combinedSpace)
(U3_sol, P3_sol, Vp3_sol, Lp3_sol) = Solution_M3.split()

Following this, I set up the initial values:

# additionally we need an initial space for solution
U_old   = Function(V)
P_old   = Function(P)
Vp_old  = Function(Up)

initVel   = InitialVelocity()
initPres  = InitialPressure()


Vx_old = 0.0
Vy_old = 0.0

Vp_old.vector()[0] = Vx_old
Vp_old.vector()[1] = Vy_old

Then the form definitions and the time-loop for solution:

begin("Form compilation operator splitting step 1")

# ... code to define form for B1(U1,P1; W1,Q1; U_old) ...

a1 = lhs(B1)
b1 = rhs(B1)
problem1    = LinearVariationalProblem(a1, b1, Solution_M1, bcs=M1_bcD)
solver1     = LinearVariationalSolver(problem1)


begin("Form compilation operator splitting step 2")

# ... code to define form for B2(U2; W2; U1_sol) ...

a2 = lhs(B2)
b2 = rhs(B2)
problem2    = LinearVariationalProblem(a2, b2, U2_sol, bcs=U2_bcD)
solver2     = LinearVariationalSolver(problem2)


while tNow <= tStop:



   Vx_old = Vp_old.vector()[0]
   Vy_old = Vp_old.vector()[1]

   # ... code to change Vx_old, Vy_old to Vx_new, Vy_new ...

   Vp_old.vector()[0] = Vx_new
   Vp_old.vector()[1] = Vy_new

   # ... code to define form for B3(U3,Vp3,Lp3; W3,Up3,Mp3; U2_sol,Vp_old) ...

   a3 = lhs(B3)
   b3 = rhs(B3)
   problem3    = LinearVariationalProblem(a3, b3, Solution_M3, bcs=M3_bcD)
   solver3     = LinearVariationalSolver(problem3)

   assign(U_old, Solution_M3.sub(0))

   tNow += dt

Any help, tips, or suggestions will be very helpful.


asked Jan 25, 2015 by debmukh FEniCS Novice (880 points)

Sorry but this minimum working example is a) quite complex and b) not complete. eg: It doesn't state what B1, B2, etc are, so the problem could be in how you pass your '_old' variables between them.

Have you tried a simple problem (ie: only one function / form) and building up your complex model piece by piece? That would help develop your understanding...

Thanks a lot for your response, and apologies if the example above was too complex. I have broken down the issue into a smaller sub-issue, and further worked on this to isolate a more specific example.

I will repost the question - please ignore the previous version of the comment which had the link to another question.
