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The program can run correctly, but there is a display which didn't understand!

+1 vote

The program is :

from dolfin import *
import numpy as np

mesh = UnitSquareMesh(48,48)
P = VectorFunctionSpace( mesh,'DG',1 )
U = FunctionSpace(mesh,'DG',1)
W = P*U

( p,u ) = TrialFunctions(W)
( q,v ) = TestFunctions(W)

g = Expression('sin(pi/2*x[0])*sin(pi/2*x[1])',pi = np.pi )
f = Expression('(pi*pi/2.0+1)* sin(pi/2*x[0])*sin(pi/2*x[1])',pi=np.pi)

alpha = 1.1
n = FacetNormal(mesh)
h = CellSize(mesh)

a = dot(p,q)*dx - u*div(q)*dx -dot(p,grad(v))*dx \
    + avg(u)*jump(q,n)*dS  \
    - dot(jump(v,n) ,avg(grad(u)))*dS + alpha/h('+') *dot( jump(u,n),jump(v,n) )*dS \
    - dot(v*n,grad(u))*ds + alpha/h*u*v*ds

L = f*v*dx - dot(g*n,q)*ds + alpha/h*g*v*ds

A = assemble(a)
b = assemble(L)

and there is a display on the screen :

Expecting expand_derivatives to have been applied.

what's wrong with it?

asked Nov 23, 2014 by motianlunfenics FEniCS Novice (310 points)