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Tensor-weighted poisson demo

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Hi! I have a theoretical question..

In my code I have defined a tensor whose components change point by point. I have followed the demo :

In the main code, when it defines the matrix C by the Cpp code, it uses

c = Expression(cppcode=conductivity_code)
c.c00 = c00
c.c01 = c01
c.c11 = c11
C = as_matrix(((c[0], c[1]), (c[1], c[2])))

But, in this way, are the components continuous on the mesh? Does Fenics interpolate continuously to pass from an object defined as mesh function to an object defined on dof?

Is there a way to print c[0] ?


asked Nov 19, 2014 by MCri FEniCS User (1,120 points)