Now that DG is running in parallel, I'm eager to use it for my problems.
However, I'm facing an issue:
After solving, I want to evaluate and store my solution at a certain point in space at the end of every time step:
vt = Function(U)
ft = Function(V)
print "actual time stepping"
tstep = 1
t = dt
solus = []
while t < T:
s.t = t
# first leap
b1 = assemble(L1)
A1solve.solve(vt.vector(), b1)
# second leap
b2 = assemble(L2)
A2solve.solve(ft.vector(), b2)
if tstep%100==0:
elapsed = (time.time() - start_time)
left = (elapsed/tstep)*(N-tstep)
print "{:4.0f}/{:4.0f}: {:3.2e} ** est {:4.0f} min left **".format(tstep, N, t, left/60.)
print "source velocity", vt(S)
save = vt(R)
save[0] = t
tstep += 1
t = tstep*dt # more accurate than t += dt
np.savetxt("received.txt", np.array(solus))
when running this in parallel I'm using the following parameters
parameters['ghost_mode'] = 'shared_facet' # To be able to run DG in parallel
parameters['allow_extrapolation'] = True # To be able to evaluate my solution
this results in an evaluation on every partition/node, but obviously I'm only interested in the solution from the partition in which the point i'm interested in lies in.
In the end I get one file "received.txt", but this appears to hold only the results of one partition, and probably not the one I want.
The question is:
How can I get the evaluation of every partition in a separate file?
Or, even better, only evaluate in the partition I'm interested in?
Here's a full minimal example:
from dolfin import *
import numpy as np
parameters['ghost_mode'] = 'shared_facet'
parameters['allow_extrapolation'] = True
# Set log level
# The difference function
def dif(l):
return l('-') - l('+')
# Wave parameters
cl = 6320. # [m/s]
ct = 3130. # [m/s]
rho = 2700. # [kg/m^3]
C = cl # Set max speed for numerical fluxes
# set material parameters (Dummy)
c11 = c22 = c33 = Constant(cl**2*rho) # [Pa]
c44 = c55 = c66 = Constant(ct**2*rho) # [Pa]
c12 = c13 = c23 = Constant(c11-2*c66) # [Pa]
# Define mesh
mesh = RectangleMesh(0., 0., 33.e-3, 27.e-3, 33, 27)
n = FacetNormal(mesh)
# Define functionspaces
deg = 2
U = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", deg, dim = 2)
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", deg, dim = 3)
# Constants for the simple puls
S = (15e-3, 27e-3) # Source coordinates
R = (10.e-3, 0.) # Receiver coordinates
fc = 6.e5
w = 3.e-3
a1 = -(pi*fc)**2
# time stepping information
dt = 1.e-8
DT = Constant(dt)
t = dt
T = 2.0325e-7
N = T/dt
# Test and trial functions
q1 = TrialFunction(U) # velocity, deformation
q2 = TrialFunction(V) # velocity, deformation
l1 = TestFunction(U)
l2 = TestFunction(V)
# Define expressions
D = "((.5+a*pow((t-td), 2))*exp(a*pow((t-td), 2)))" # ricker wavelet
apod = "exp(-0.5*pow((x[0]-xs)/w, 2))*(x[1] == ys)"
s = Expression(("0.0", apod+"*"+D), w=w, td=2.e-6, a=a1, xs =S[0], ys = S[1], t = 0.0, degree = 3)
zero2 = Expression(("0.0", "0.0"), degree = 1)
zero3 = Expression(("0.0", "0.0", "0.0"), degree = 1)
# Define selection matrices"
print "building matrices"
Ax1 = as_matrix([[-1., 0. ], [0. , 0. ], [0. , -1.]])
Ax2 = as_matrix([[-c11/rho, -c12/rho, 0], [0, 0, -c66/rho]])
Ay1 = as_matrix([[0, 0], [0, -1], [-1., 0]])
Ay2 = as_matrix([[0, 0, -c66/rho], [-c12/rho, -c22/rho, 0]])
# set inital values
q10 = interpolate(zero2, U)
q20 = interpolate(zero3, V)
# Define fluxes on interior and exterior facets
q1hat = (n[0]('-')*Ax1 + n[1]('-')*Ay1)*avg(q10) + C*0.5*dif(q20)
q1hatbnd = (n[0]*Ax1 + n[1]*Ay1)*(q10) + C*q20
q2hat = (n[0]('-')*Ax2 + n[1]('-')*Ay2)*avg(q20) + C*0.5*dif(q10)
q2hatbnd = (n[0]*Ax2 + n[1]*Ay2)*(q20) + C*q10
F1 = inner(q1 - q10, l1)*dx \
- DT*(inner(Ax2*q20, l1.dx(0)) + inner(Ay2*q20, l1.dx(1)))*dx \
+ DT*inner(q2hat, dif(l1))*dS \
+ DT*inner(q2hatbnd, l1)*ds \
- DT*inner(s/rho, l1)*dx
F2 = inner(q2 - q20, l2)*dx \
- DT*(inner(Ax1*q10, l2.dx(0)) + inner(Ay1*q10, l2.dx(1)))*dx \
+ DT*inner(q1hat, dif(l2))*dS \
+ DT*inner(q1hatbnd, l2)*ds
a1, L1 = lhs(F1), rhs(F1)
a2, L2 = lhs(F2), rhs(F2)
A1 = assemble(a1)
A2 = assemble(a2)
# compute LU factorization
A1solve = LUSolver("mumps")
A1solve.parameters["reuse_factorization"] = True
A2solve = LUSolver("mumps")
A2solve.parameters["reuse_factorization"] = True
# Prepare function for solution
vt = Function(U)
ft = Function(V)
# compute LU factorization
tstep = 1
t = dt
solus = []
# Actual time stepping
while t < T:
s.t = t
# first leap
b1 = assemble(L1)
A1solve.solve(vt.vector(), b1)
# second leap
b2 = assemble(L2)
A2solve.solve(ft.vector(), b2)
tstep += 1
t = tstep*dt # more accurate than t += dt
np.savetxt("received.txt", np.array(solus))
Thanks in advance!