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Energy minimization on 1D mesh

0 votes

The code below is based on the hyperelasticity demo but breaks at J = Form(J) with

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ffc/analysis.pyc in _attach_integral_metadata(form_data, parameters)
258 # Update scheme for QuadratureElements
259 if all_equal(quad_schemes):
--> 260 scheme = quad_schemes[0]
261 else:
262 scheme = "canonical"

IndexError: list index out of range

Something to do with quad_schemes that I don't understant. My hyperelasticity demo works fine. Any help?

from dolfin import *

# Optimization options for the form compiler 
parameters["form_compiler"]["cpp_optimize"] = True
ffc_options = {"optimize": True, \
           "eliminate_zeros": False, \
           "precompute_basis_const": True, \
           "precompute_ip_const": True}

class Primitive(Expression):
 def __init__(self,f,mesh,**kwargs):
    self._f = f
    self._mesh = mesh
    subdomains = CellFunction('size_t',mesh)
    self._subdomains = subdomains
    dx = Measure('dx',domain=mesh)[subdomains]
    self._F = Form(f*dx(1))

def eval(self, values, x):

    inside_function = lambda y: y<x[0]
    domain = AutoSubDomain(inside_function=inside_function)
    F = self._F
    values[0] = assemble(F)

mesh = IntervalMesh(100,0,1.0)

V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)

right = CompiledSubDomain("(std::abs(x[0] - 1.0) < DOLFIN_EPS) && on_boundary")

class LinearMismatchProfile(Expression):

def __init__(self, G, W, W_b, f_0,**kwargs):
    self._W = W
    self._G = G
    self._W_b = W_b
    self._f_0 = f_0

def eval(self, values, x):
    W = self._W
    W_b = self._W_b
    f_0 = self._f_0
    G = self._G

    if x[0] <= W-W_b:
        values[0] = G*x[0] + f_0
        values[0] = G*(W-W_b)

Ed = Constant(8.138931143006406e-09) #energy per unit length of dislocation
c = Constant(92017082108.12033) #elastic constant for biaxial strain
b = Constant(2.161453136448972e-10) #part of Burger's vector responsible for relaxation    (in-plane component)

W = 1e-6
W_b = 100e-9
G =  1e5 #PQ(0.1,'1/mum').inBaseUnits().value
f_0 = 0.0

f = LinearMismatchProfile(G=G,W=W,W_b=W_b,f_0=f_0)

u = Function(V) # dislocation density profile
v  = TestFunction(V) 
du = TrialFunction(V)

epsilon = f - b*Primitive(f=u,mesh=mesh,) #in-plane strain

E = 2*Ed*u*dx(mesh) + epsilon**2*dx(mesh)

F = derivative(E,u,v)
J = derivative(F, u, du)

F = Form(F)
J = Form(J)

bcr = DirichletBC(V,0.0,right)
bcs = [bcr]

# Solve non-linear variational problem
solve(F == 0, u, bcs, J=J,
                     {"linear_solver": "lu",
                      "maximum_iterations": 100,
                      'relative_tolerance': 1e-30

# Plot and hold solution
plot(u, interactive = False)
asked Nov 6, 2014 by chaffra FEniCS User (1,830 points)
closed Nov 12, 2014 by chaffra