I need to determine the vertex dofs with a higher order conforming space, just like in http://fenicsproject.org/qa/2235/identify-vertex-dofs-for-higher-order-spaces .
Could the issue be solved by now and, if not, could anyone suggest a nice way around? Thanks a lot. Serge
You can get this information via the dof map. See GenericDofMap::tabulate_entity_dofs to get the local dof indices associated with a given mesh mesh entity.
Thanks for the hint. Finally I solved my problem changing dof_to_vertex_map(V) to V.dofmap().dofs() (where V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", degree) ) Both commands give the same results (at least for the simple meshes I use, and except for a small difference in dtype (uint64 vs. int32) ), but the second works also for degrees higher than one. Thanks again, Serge