Hey! I'm trying to read mesh values through the following lines:
mvc_Dxy = MeshValueCollection("size_t", mesh, "Dxy_center.xml")
meshf_Dxy = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mvc_Dxy)
values_Dxy = meshf_Dxy.array()
but it gives me the wrong values. In fact I need to read either positive and negative values.. I know that size_t is not the right type but double or uint fail too (uint doesn't exist anymore)..
Here few lines from Dxy_center.xml
<value cell_index="0" local_entity="0" value="-9" />
<value cell_index="1" local_entity="0" value="-55" />
<value cell_index="2" local_entity="0" value="-207" />
For example if I print values_Dxy[1], I get 4294967241!
Can anyone help?