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v('+'), v('-'), and jump(v) give wrong values in 1D

+1 vote

In the following program I define the piecewise constant function v which is equal to 1 on
(0, 1/2) and to 0 on (1/2, 1), and then I print out v('+'), v('-'), and jump(v) at the point x = 1/2. In common usage these should be 0., 1., and -1., respectively. But FEniCS reports 1., 0.0, 1.0. It seems that FEniCS reports the value from the left for v('+') and the value from the right for
v('-'), opposite of the normal thing. Then the jump, which is v('+') - v('-') has the wrong sign.

Have I misunderstood, or is this a bug (Dolfin version 1.4.0)?

from dolfin import *
from numpy import array
mesh = UnitIntervalMesh(2)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 0)
v = Function(V)
v.vector()[:] = array([1., 0.])
F = v('+')*dS
print ( assemble( v('+')*dS ) , assemble( v('-')*dS ) , assemble( jump(v)*dS ) )
asked Sep 23, 2014 by dnarnold FEniCS User (2,360 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer


I don't think that there is any bug

If you look at that question, it is said:

"n('+') is the outward unit normal vector from the cell on the + side.
It's not possible to say just from a picture of a mesh which direction
this will be. What is sure is that n('+') = -n('-')"

If you assume that n('+') has been chosen by dolfin to be (1.0,) - i.e. pointing to the right, then v('+') is the value on the left of the interface and v('-') on the right, which in your case is respectively 1 and 0.

Then the jump of v is indeed 1.0

answered Sep 23, 2014 by V_L FEniCS User (4,440 points)
selected Sep 25, 2014 by dnarnold

Thanks for your comments and the pointer to the relevant previous discussion. I guess
the outcome is that for a function of 1 variable, one cannot count on v('+') representing
the limit of evaluating v from the left or from the right. So what if someone needs
to access the value from the right (to properly upwind, for instance). How does one code that?

If you look at, it shows how to upwind:

In your case, if you want to have a direction of flow from the right to the left, then you could have the following code:

v   = TestFunction(V_dg)
phi = TrialFunction(V_dg)
u = as_vector((-1.0,))
n = FacetNormal(mesh)
un = (dot(u, n) + abs(dot(u, n)))/2.0
a  = dot(grad(v),- u*phi)*dx # volumetric term
a += dot(jump(v), un('+')*phi('+') - un('-')*phi('-') )*dS  # interior facet term
a += dot(v, un*phi)*ds # exterior facet term

It does not really matter how dolfin decides that n will the (1.0,) or (-1.0,):
- if n = (1.0,), then un('+') = 0 and un('-') = 1 so the value selected on the interior facet is phi('-') i.e. the value on the right
- if n = (-1.0,), then un('+') = 1 and un('-') = 0 so the value selected on the interior facet is phi('+') i.e. the value on the right

Same thing for the exterior facets.

Does it make sense?

Yes, got it. Many thanks!
