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$\nabla.(f(x)\vec{r})$ to interpolate, or not to interpolate

0 votes

I am trying to solve variable coefficient Poisson equation in mixed formulation using periodic boundary conditions.


until today, I was able to get some results using the following approach

eps_str="0.5*({eps2}-{eps1})*erf((x[2]-{z0_B})/{beta})*erf((x[2]-{z0_T})/{beta}) + 0.5*({eps1}+{eps2})"\
a = (dot(sigma, tau) + div(tau)*u + div(epsilon*sigma)*v)*dx - inner(u, nu)*dx - inner(mu, v)*dx

However, when I was playing with some other $\epsilon$ models, something broke, and I started getting

Cannot get geometric dimension from an expression with no domains!

I am puzzled why it was working before, and why it stopped working now. My immediate fix was to replace epsilon to an interpolation to a DG function space

DG = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0, constrained_domain=pb)

but I am not so sure if this is a mistake or not. Especially since I am using an adaptive mesh algorithm.

asked Sep 16, 2014 by obm FEniCS Novice (680 points)

Another attempt by taking the gradient by hand results in a NAN

eps_str="0.5*({eps2}-{eps1})*erf((x[2]-{z0_B})/{beta})*erf((x[2]-{z0_T})/{beta}) + 0.5*({eps1}+{eps2})"\
BDM = FunctionSpace(mesh, "BDM", 1, constrained_domain=pb)
DG = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0, constrained_domain=pb)
R = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'R', 0, constrained_domain=pb)
W = MixedFunctionSpace([BDM, DG, R])
(sigma, u, mu) = TrialFunctions(W)
(tau, v, nu) = TestFunctions(W)
epsilon_grad=Expression((eps_gradx_str,eps_grady_str,eps_gradz_str),element=BDM.ufl_element()) #now it is a vector
a = (dot(sigma, tau) + div(tau)*u + epsilon*v*div(sigma)+inner(epsilon_grad,sigma)*v)*dx - inner(u, nu)*dx - inner(mu, v)*dx

When I look at how the epsilon_grad looks by interpolating via a DGM function, the vectors are not in z and -z directions as expected. X and Y components are also present. Can this be the problem?

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer


epsilon = Expression(eps_str, domain=mesh)

and I think you should be fine.

answered Sep 18, 2014 by mikael-mortensen FEniCS Expert (29,340 points)
selected Sep 22, 2014 by obm

seems to be working as well.
