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Restart interrupted calculation

+1 vote

Dear developers,

I would like to be able to restart a lengthy calculation which is forcibly interrupted.

The scenario is this. We have a computing center which strictly enforces 24h limit. My script (which involves AdaptiveLinearVariationalSolver) runs past this limit.

Is there a way I can dump the state of the calculation periodically to a file, and restart from that point?

asked Sep 4, 2014 by obm FEniCS Novice (680 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

I believe what you are looking for is 'checkpointing', and the way to do that would be via an HDF5 file. Write it periodically, and then read the latest solution from the file if your time is up.

Incidentally, I thought the AdaptiveLinearSolver didn't run in parallel. 1 core for 24 hours + is quite the load. You might get a faster solution by just refining the crap out of your mesh and doing a regular linear solve no? Unless the adaptation is what you are after of course.

answered Sep 4, 2014 by mwelland FEniCS User (8,410 points)
selected Aug 24, 2015 by obm