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Is there a way to cut a plane with the 3D mesh to understand its quality better

+1 vote

I would like to visualize the quality of a 3D mesh via
looking at the intersection between its edges/surfaces and for example
the plane z=0

asked Jul 4, 2013 by moritzbraun FEniCS User (1,390 points)

Note that cutting through complex unstructured 3D meshes does not always give a great indication of the mesh quality, as it slices through tetrahedra in unpredictable ways.

Dear James

Thanks a lot for your comment.
I the meantime I have realized, that it is makes more sense to analyze the
distribution of vertices after sorting them according to radius or similar.


1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer

You can save it to paraview file:

File("mesh.pvd") << mesh

and then in ParaView use one of the slice filters to visualy inspect the mesh. In ParaView you also have some quantitative measures of mesh quality.

answered Jul 4, 2013 by johanhake FEniCS Expert (22,480 points)
selected Jul 5, 2013 by Garth N. Wells

Hi Johan

Thanks a lot



Hi Johan

Unfortunately this does not seem to work
I only see a gray surface there is not structure!



You need to play around with the color and plotting settings. This is has turned into a ParaView question.
