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RANS-models (cbc.pdesys) demos "instant.recompile" problem for new installation

0 votes


I am new to fenics (latest 1.4) and just trying to work with demo's. I have also installed the CBC.PDESYS application from launchpad.

I am having trouble even when trying to execute the demo inside /cbc/cfd/ransmodels/. I get the following error (I have attached two links for the different outputs in concern)

In instant.recompile: The module did not compile with command 'make VERBOSE=1', see 

Python Error output

I have so far tried:

 instant-clean and re-run

 Re-installing fenics with dorsal

I am not sure if the code is correct because, many of the demo applications are not updated
and continue to use some deprecated terms as per dolfin (1.4).

Anyways, can anyone please let me know if they have found any solution for such a problem. ??

asked Jun 30, 2014 by kipintouch FEniCS Novice (270 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Hi, the error you get is coming from compilation of C++ code in /cbc/cfd/tools/, specifically

code = \
#include "dolfin.h"

namespace dolfin{

void allow_nonzero_allocation(GenericMatrix* A)
  #ifdef HAS_PETSC
  if (A && has_type<PETScMatrix>(*A))
    PETScMatrix& petsc_A = A->down_cast<PETScMatrix>();
compiled_module = compile_extension_module(code=code)

Method petsc_A.mat() now returns a pointer so the code should be modified into

answered Jul 2, 2014 by MiroK FEniCS Expert (80,920 points)