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Any ideas why we don't get quadratic convergence for this uncoupled Heat Equation system?

0 votes

The MMS works great for 2D but fails to show quadratic convergence in 1D - wondering why?

#Testing MMS on Heat Equation system - works well (in 2-D)!

from dolfin import *

from math import log

def Heat(n):
#Define mesh and geometry
#mesh = Rectangle(0,0,5,5,n,n)
mesh = Interval(n,0,1)

# Define function spaces
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG" , 1) 
Y = MixedFunctionSpace([V, V])

# Time variables
dt = Constant(0.02); t = float(dt); T = 0.09

#a_expr = "1 + x[0]*x[0] + A*x[1]*x[1] + B*t" #exact solution 2D
#b_expr = "1 + x[0]*x[0] + A*x[1]*x[1] + B*t"

a_expr = "1 + A*x[1]*x[1] + B*t" #exact solution 1D
b_expr = "1 + A*x[1]*x[1] + B*t"

aexact = Expression(a_expr, A=3.0, B=1.2, t=0)
bexact = Expression(b_expr, A=3.0, B=1.2, t=0)

abexact = Expression((a_expr,b_expr), A=3.0, B=1.2, t=0)

#f = Constant(1.2 - 2. - 2*3.0) #MMS Source term 2D

f = Constant(1.2 - 2*3.0) #MMS Source term 1D

# Previous solution
gamma0 = interpolate(abexact,Y)
(alpha0,beta0) = split(gamma0)

#Define Function and TestFunctions
gamma = Function(Y); (alpha, beta) = split(gamma) #current solution
(v, w) = split(TestFunction(Y))

# Define variational form
F = (alpha*v + dt*inner(grad(alpha),grad(v)) - alpha0*v - dt*f*v + beta*w + dt*inner(grad(beta),grad(w)) - beta0*w - dt*f*w)*dx #uncoupled system 

#Boundary Conditions
bcs_a = DirichletBC(Y.sub(0), aexact, DomainBoundary())
bcs_b = DirichletBC(Y.sub(1), bexact, DomainBoundary())
bcs = [bcs_a, bcs_b]

# Solve problem
while t <= T:
    aexact.t = t
    bexact.t = t
    solve(F == 0 , gamma, bcs=bcs)
    t += float(dt)

alpha, beta = gamma.split()
error1  = errornorm(alpha,aexact,"L2",mesh = mesh)
error2  = errornorm(beta,bexact,"L2",mesh = mesh)

return error1

Err = [0,0]
Err[0] = Heat(50)
Err[1] = Heat(100)

print "errors:(%s,%s)" % (Err[0],Err[1])

print (log(Err[0]/Err[1],2))#, log(Err[1]/Err[2],2))

asked Jun 23, 2014 by Mike Osorio FEniCS Novice (140 points)

Please fix the code formatting, and post complete (but simple) code.

Hi Garth. Thanks for the quick response. It is greatly appreciated. Managed to fix the Heat equations system but here is the actual problem we were looking to solve - however it still does not converge quadratically. We are sure the variational form is correct so it seems something is wrong updating the solutions in time/imposing BCs/splitting functions...

#Solving Non-linear Schrodinger equation
from dolfin import *
from math import log

def GPE(n):
  # Define mesh and geometry
  mesh = Interval(n,0,1)

  # Define function spaces
  V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG" , 1) #where alpha,beta lives
  Y = MixedFunctionSpace([V, V])

  # Time variables
  dt = Constant(0.02); T = 0.09; t = float(dt)

  g_real = "(C*cos(B*x[0] + (A*A - B*B)*t))/cosh(A*x[0] - 2*A*B*t)"
  g_imag = "(C*sin(B*x[0] + (A*A - B*B)*t))/cosh(A*x[0] - 2*A*B*t)"

  gr = Expression(g_real, t=0, A = 1.0, B = 0.5, C = sqrt(2.0))
  gi = Expression(g_imag, t=0, A = 1.0, B = 0.5, C = sqrt(2.0))

  gri = Expression((g_real,g_imag), t=0, A = 1.0, B = 0.5, C = sqrt(2.0))

  #Previous solution
  gamma0 = interpolate(gri,Y)
  (alpha0,beta0) = split(gamma0)

  #Define Function and TestFunctions
  gamma = Function(Y); (alpha, beta) = split(gamma) #current solution
  (v, w) = split(TestFunction(Y))

  #'Practice' Constant
  K = Constant(1.0)

  #Define Trap Potential as harmonic
  P = Constant(0.0)

  # Define variational form
  F = (alpha*v + beta*w + dt*(inner(grad(alpha),grad(w)) - inner(grad(beta),grad(v))) + dt*P*(alpha*w - beta*v) - dt*K*(alpha**2 + beta**2)*(alpha*w - beta*v) - (beta0*w + alpha0*v))*dx

  #Boundary Conditions
  bcs_a = DirichletBC(Y.sub(0), gr, DomainBoundary())
  bcs_b = DirichletBC(Y.sub(1), gi, DomainBoundary())
  bcs = [bcs_a, bcs_b]

  # Solve problem
  while t <= T:
  gr.t = t 
  gi.t = t 
  solve(F == 0 , gamma, bcs=bcs)
  t += float(dt)

  alpha, beta = gamma.split()
  error1  = errornorm(alpha,gr,"L2",mesh = mesh)
  error2  = errornorm(beta,gi,"L2",mesh = mesh)

return error1

Err = [0,0,0]
Err[0] = GPE(50)
Err[1] = GPE(100)
Err[2] = GPE(200)

print "errors:(%s,%s,%s)" % (Err[0],Err[1],Err[2])

print (log(Err[0]/Err[1],2), log(Err[1]/Err[2],2))