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tabulate_tensor function of a surface integral

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Hello to everyone!
I have tried to simulate a 3D open radiating structure for an electromagnetic problem using the Absorbing Boundary Conditions of 1st kind, thus I have written the ufl code shown below:

helem = FiniteElement("Nedelec 1st kind H(curl)", tetrahedron, 1)
u = TrialFunction(helem)
v = TestFunction(helem)
n = FacetNormal(tetrahedron)
a = inner(cross(n, v), cross(n, u))*ds # LEO boundary condition form

After using ffc -l dolfin filename.ufl command and exporting the corresponding filename.h file, I noticed that in the tabulate_tensor function the bases functions do not participate in the integration procedure something that I have also noticed in the demo program which solves the Poisson's equation. On the other hand in the tabulate_tensor function of the stiffness matrix for example, the bases functions appear in the integration procedure as I expected. Am I missing something? I would expect that in both cases the basis function should appear in the corresponding forms, since the integration procedure is dependent on them.

Thanks in advance,
Constantinos Zekios

asked May 9, 2014 by kzekios FEniCS Novice (120 points)