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Maximum number of terms in the definition of the bilinear form?

+1 vote


I have been using FEniCS to solve the following linear system of PDEs:

Ax \partial_{x} \psi + Ay \partial_{y} \psi + \sigma \psi= Q

Where Ax and Ay are square matrices of size L.

I wrote the variational form using a mixed formulation which I coded as follows (the point of my question is not how to code the bilinear form so don't worry about understanding all the terms: the only important thing is that I do: a += ... a bunch of times):

# Define function spaces and mixed (product) space
DG = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1)
W = MixedFunctionSpace([DG]*L0)

# Define trial and test functions
psi = TrialFunctions(W)  # solution
v   = TestFunctions(W)   # test function
for i in range(0, L):
    for j in range(0, L):

        if abs(Ax[i][j]) > DOLFIN_EPS or abs(Absx[i][j]) > DOLFIN_EPS:
            a += -Ax[i][j]*psi[j]*v[i].dx(0)*dx
            a += (Ax[i][j]*avg(psi[j]) + 0.5*Absx[i][j]*jump(psi[j]))*jump(v[i])*abs(dot(ex,n("+")))*dS
            a += 0.5*(Ax[i][j]*psi[j]*(dot(ex,n))+ Absx[i][j]*psi[j]*abs(dot(ex,n)))*v[i]*ds

        if abs(Az[i][j]) > DOLFIN_EPS or abs(Absz[i][j]) > DOLFIN_EPS:
            a += -Az[i][j]*psi[j]*v[i].dx(1)*dx
            a += (Az[i][j]*avg(psi[j]) + 0.5*Absz[i][j]*jump(psi[j]))*jump(v[i])*abs(dot(ez,n("+")))*dS
            a += 0.5*(Az[i][j]*psi[j]*(dot(ez,n))+ Absz[i][j]*psi[j]*abs(dot(ez,n)))*v[i]*ds

a += (Sigma_t+1/(c*dt))*psi[i]*v[i]*dx

When the size of Ax and Ay is small (typically 16x16), it works great.
But when I increase their size to a larger number (typically 36x36), I get the following error:

RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python

So my question is: is there a maximum number of terms that can be added to the bilinear form? It really surprises me because those matrices above are pretty sparse and the number of terms I actually add is typically around 200 which does not seem to be unreasonable to me. Is it?

Thank you so much!

asked Apr 30, 2014 by V_L FEniCS User (4,440 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer

You can change the recursion limit in Python, I'd go easy on it … I imagine that it is possible to hang things up. On my system, the default value for the recursion limit is 1000.

import sys

However, I'm not so sure that the above will fix your problem … I tried to make a simple recursive program in Python and got a slightly different error:

def factorial(n):
  if n == 1:
    return 1
    return n*fact(n - 1)

RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
answered Apr 30, 2014 by timm FEniCS User (2,100 points)
selected Apr 30, 2014 by V_L

Yes that works just fine! Thanks a lot for this quick answer!
I'm pretty new to Python and my google search hadn't been successful... :)
