You may downgrade back to 13.10!
Or you can tell us a bit more about the problem... as a first step, try uninstalling and reinstalling.
Thanks for the answer, already tried the - uninstalling -installing back. Didn't work. Also modified a package (swig to an older version), some demos started to run well, but demo gives this warning
Error: Unable to generate ellipse mesh. *** Reason: Generation of ellipse meshes requires DOLFIN to be configured with CGAL.
Hmmm... there was recently a fenics-support issue regarding swig incompatibilities that was resolved by removing the ~/.instant folder (which I think can also be accomplished by issues the command 'instant-clean' ). Could you try that? When you run a model parts are compiled and stored in the ~/.instant folder. By removing them you are forcing everything to recompile, which may resolve some of this.
Cheers, Mike
Mike, I did it. The problems persists. Though running fenics in Ubuntu 12.04, everything goes fine.
Please update your question with the actual question and include your error message (given in the comment above).