this is a follow up question to this question. I want solve a coupled system (3 equations) of (nonlinear) parabolic PDEs using an IMEX method in parallel. As written in my last comment, I'm able to solve them in parallel with multiprocessing
and sparse matrices from scipy.sparse
, but I'm not getting a notable performance boost as expected in comparison to solving the equations one after another in serial, solving it in parallel takes around 80% the time solving the equations in serial.
Is there any possibility to improve the performance any further? I'm assembling the matrices before the time loops and, as written, use sparse matrices and the sparse solver.
Following is the important part of my program, most of the code only listed for the first equation. I'm very grateful for any suggestion.
from __future__ import division
from dolfin import *
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse.linalg as spla
import scipy.sparse as sparse
import multiprocessing as mp
import time
# to shut off the output
# ------------------- settings, definitions
nx = 320
T = 1.0
dt = T / nx
mesh = IntervalMesh(nx, 0, 1.0)
# definition of solving method
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
# ------------------- boundary conditions
# defining subdomains and boundary conditions bcs1, bcs2 and bcs3
# ------------------- RHS, exact solution
# defining the right hand sides and the exact solution
# ------------------- IMEX
# ---------- Euler, defining the method,
# listed only for m1_E, for m2_E and m3_E analogously
m1_E = TrialFunction(V)
m1_old_E = interpolate(u1_start, V)
n1_E = TestFunction(V)
G1_E = (m1_E - m1_old_E)*n1_E*dx + dt*inner(nabla_grad(m1_E), nabla_grad(n1_E))*dx - dt*rhs1_old(m1_old_E, m2_old_E, m3_old_E)*n1_E*dx
B1_E = lhs(G1_E)
A1_E = assemble(B1_E)
for bc in bcs1:
A1_E_mat = A1_E.array()
sparse_A1_E_mat = sparse.csr_matrix(A1_E_mat)
M1_E = rhs(G1_E)
m1_E = Function(V)
m1_E = interpolate(u1_start, V)
# ---------- Euler
# ------------------- IMEX
t = dt
b1_E_vec = np.zeros(len(A1_E_mat))
# start 3 worker processes
pool = mp.Pool(3)
# ---------- time steps
while t <= T+1/2*dt:
#---------- IMEX parallel
# analogously for m2_E and m3_E
start_time1 = time.time()
# assemble vector b and apply bdcs
b1_E = assemble(M1_E)
for bc in bcs1:
b1_E_vec[:] = b1_E.array()
res1 = pool.apply_async(spla.spsolve, [sparse_A1_E_mat, b1_E_vec])
b2_E = ...
b3_E = ...
m1_E.vector()[:] = res1.get()
m2_E.vector()[:] = res2.get()
m3_E.vector()[:] = res3.get()
stop_time_parallel = time.time() - start_time1
totaltime_parallel_IMEX += stop_time_parallel
#---------- IMEX serial
# analogously for m2_E and m3_E
start_time1 = time.time()
# assemble vector b and apply bdcs
b1_E = assemble(M1_E)
for bc in bcs1:
m1_E = solve(A1_E, m1_E.vector(), b1_E)
stop_time1 = time.time() - start_time1
totaltime1_IMEX += stop_time1
b2_E = ...
b3_E = ...
# ---------- computation of error with exact solution
t += dt