I have generated a 3d mesh from GMSH and converted it to XML. I wish to implement simple Dirichlet boundary conditions on the borders of the mesh (and one internal surface). Dolfin, however, does not recognise any labels inherited from GMSH, as I get the following error:
*** Warning: Found no facets matching domain for boundary condition.
I have found a similar question on the forums ( http://fenicsproject.org/qa/2986/how-to-define-boundary-condition-for-mesh-generated-by-gmsh ) but I must admit I don't fully understand the solution.
Below, I have prepared a very simple .geo file that constructs a cube and labels the 6 surfaces and volume. Would anyone be able to show me the modifications I would need to make to this .geo file so that dolfin can see the subdomains?
P.S. Is the problem simplified if I export gmsh files in the medit format and then convert to XML?
//Construct a cube in GMSH
//Build a line
Point(1) = {0, 0, 0, 1.0};
Point(2) = {0, 0, 10, 1.0};
Line(1) = {1, 2};
//Extrude line to create a surface (square)
Extrude {10, 0, 0} {
//Extrude surface to create a volume (cube)
Extrude {0, 10, 0} {
//Six surfaces of the cube
Physical Surface(28) = {18};
Physical Surface(29) = {26};
Physical Surface(30) = {22};
Physical Surface(31) = {14};
Physical Surface(32) = {27};
Physical Surface(33) = {5};
//Volume of the cube
Physical Volume(34) = {1};