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Multi-domain, multi-mesh problem with contact

+2 votes

Is it possible to create a multi-domain problem on FEniCS? I am trying to implement a contact between two deformable solids. So I need to calculate the shortest distance from one surface of the domain to the other, and whether a given point is inside a domain or not.

If it is too complicated/difficult, then I can assume that one of the body is rigid with a prescribed displacement. Then I don't even need two domains, as the displacement of the rigid body is known beforehand. However, I still need to calculate the shortest distance from some point to the surface of the body, and whether the point is inside the body or not.

The second option is a lot easier, but I still prefer the first option because it is more general and robust approach.

Does anybody have any ideas how to do this? Thanks!

asked Mar 21, 2014 by ysakamoto FEniCS Novice (260 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Have a look at the contact demos.

answered Mar 21, 2014 by gennadiy FEniCS Novice (590 points)

Are you talking about contact-vi-snes demo? It seems that it only has one domain, so looks like close to my second approach. However, it is not clear how FEniCS constrain the displacement u. Does it use Lagrange-multiplier, or penalty, or anything else?
