The fenicstools Python package was created to do just this. You create the slice in FEniCS and dump the slice to a vtk file that can be visualised in, e.g., ParaView. This is cheaper and faster than saving the whole solution, which can be very memory demanding. I wrote fenicstools since my laptop didn't have enough memory to view a single snapshot of the CSF flow you see on the wiki.
You could put this at the end of your program. You can visualise the solution directly in Python if you have scitools installed. Otherwise dump to vtk.
from fenicstools import StructuredGrid
origin = [0., 0., 0.5] # origin of slice
vectors = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]] # directional tangent directions (scaled in StructuredGrid)
dL = [1., 1.] # extent of slice in both directions
N = [50, 50] # number of points in each direction
sl = StructuredGrid(V, N, origin, vectors, dL)
sl(u) # Visualize slice using gnuplot (if scitools is installed)
sl.tovtk(0, filename='slice.vtk')